Xiaomi temperature BLE - LYWSD03MMC

Hi guys i recently bought a xiaomi temperature, i was trying to connect it with hass but the current configuration only works for another version of this component. At this moment i was able to connect and get the data through an shell script,i was wondering if its posible to integrate this logic with the existing component mitemp_bt. The difference is how the data is retrieved. I let the useful documentation that i found on the web.
(it needs some adjustments but works).
Pls let me now if you need something in addition.

Hey, I got this script and did some modifications.
You can configure this and put in your crontab to be called every minute.
It will send information for HASS via MQTT.

I hope that it’s a temporary solution.

I just use an esp32 to read them out.

Hi, at this moment im using the hacs plugin, first i used the thiagogalvao script, but idk why in my raspberry it worked for 1 or 2 days and started to present lot of issues on the BT communication with the device. I had to manually reboot my entire raspberry to make it work again. (unplug and replug). I did this like for 5 months.
Later i found the HACS plugin and works fantastic with the hass implementation, the hard part is the initial config, (i had to install some modified xiaomi apk to get some keys) after that it works great and never disconnects, it connects each 5 minutes to get the temperature and the best part is that keeps inside of my hass config so i dont have to performs workarounds to pass the info to the hass server.
I hope it works for u or any one looking for a xiaomi temp device integration.

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