Xiaomi Temperature & Humidity Sensor Poll Time

The temperature sensor?

I’ve not needed to change any of mine since I got them ~5 months ago.

Thanks for your reply. Maybe its a cheap battery. I hope it’s getting better with a new one.

How are you determining that it has drained 15%?

It shows the battery level in the web gui. When i first set up the sensor on saturday evening, it was at around 70%. Now its on 47%

There have been people reporting the same, even drops to 1% and a couple of days later is was 98%… I think @eBoon did a test with a brand new battery which had the same ‘level’ as one which has been used for several months (right?). The reported battery level doesn’t seem to be very reliable.

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Yes - there has been some Xiaomi battery level discussion here. This was based on what the Xiaomi devices are showing in HASS from the States view.

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I’m sorry that I wasn’t clear: I do not know the answer about where to put the ‘force_update’ either. Like you, I tried in vain to find out and decided it must be an urban legend. I just wanted to share my experience with the sensors on another platform which demonstrated that even if you know where to put that code, it wouldn’t change the behavior.

Hey that’s cool, we’re all trying to help.

To give you closure, given the fact that other things like “hidden” are in those docs, I’d wager that force_update: true goes in a customise: entry for that entity_id.

Just another shot question, is it possible to calibrate the sensor or to add a offset?
I checked the values with a hygrometer, but they vary between 5-8%.

yes you can make new template sensor that pulls data from yours sensor and add an offset. I’m using that to “calibrate” my Xiaomi temperature sensors like this:

- platform: template
      value_template: >-
        {{ (float(states.sensor.temperature_158d0001fa5de9.state) + 0.3 ) | round(1) }}
      friendly_name: 'Kuhinja'
      icon_template: mdi:thermometer
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"

This adds + 0.3 C to original readings of that sensor. You can modify this and adjust for your needs.
I hope it helps


when i add
force_update: true
i got configuration error

Subscribe, but I don’t think that there is a solution to this.

Could it be possible to fix the poll time using the zigbee2mqtt with the CC2531 instead of Xiaomi Gateway? https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt

If anybody can verify that with this method works fine and you can configure the polling time, I will try to implement it in that way as well

AFAIK the sensor is not polled by the GW. It autonomously decides when to trigger a message to the GW. You would have to hack the sensor to change its behaviour. I suspect Xiaomi went for best balance of data period vs battery life.

Isn’t it possible to ask to the sensor to be updated with the zigbee2mqtt library without hacking the sensor?
Anyway, it’s strange how the sensor update the humidity more frequently than the temperature as you can see here:

I answer to myself:

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From what I see in the xiaomi app, the temperature gets updated way more often in the app than in HA. Meaning the xiaomi gateway is filtering what is sent to HA.

So using a different gateway could be a solution to have more frequent temperature update ?

Using different gateway doesn’t fix the issue. I use deconz and currently the sensor did not send any update since 9 hours. It doesn’t matter if deconz try to get new data from it.

The Aquara site give this answer:
“If the temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure vary only a bit, data will be reported once an hour.
If the temperature variation exceeds 0.5℃ (1℉), the humidity variation exceeds 6% and the atmospheric pressure is no less than 25hPa, data will be reported instantly.”

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