I just installed the CC2531 usb dongle (the one with external antenna), and a couple of Xiaomi temperature sensors (WSDCGQ01LM), and everything worked fine at first try (can’t thank developers enough for that)
My issue is that both of the temperature sensors start loosing battery after less than a week of use, the nearest one to the raspberry pi is at 91%, and farthest on (up stairs) is at 86%.
Just thought that the sensors send data too frequently, is there any way I could tell the temperature sensors with some command line from the raspberry pi to send data every 10 minutes or so instead of whatever they do currently ?
Well, I can’t tell about Xiaomi sensors, but my Ikea button dropped in the first week steadily from 100% to 40%, now it stays already 3 months at 40%. Same for my Ikea PIR, dropping in the first weeks from 100% to 90%, but now it is steady too. Maybe it is just normal behavior ?
I’m not sure, but I think the frequency of sending data is hardcoded into the Xiaomi sensors. I think I’ve read somewhere that there is a possibility to change but this involved some soldering.
The battery readings are anyway not really reliable. I have some Xiaomi door/window sensors that dropped to 80% and others stay at 100%, even though they are more or less used the same amount.
Hey, thank you both for your feedback, I’ll keep an eye on the battery level and see.
The other cause I thought of is that they are probably too far from the Zigbee receiver (especially the one upstairs), so they might keep resending data until they get confirmation of receipt. Maybe I’ll get some of those Ikea Tradfi sockets as they can act a Zigbee routers/extenders (according to zigbee2mqtt supported devices page) to prevent the resending.
The battery level is normal behaviour, it’s just not very accurate. Nothing to worry about. The sensors are only sending data when there is a difference in temperature or humidity. There is no fixed time interval.
Pretty sure there is no fixed 1 hour interval, atleast mine are not updating like that. I think it’s on 6% change on humidiy or 0.5 degrees on temperature.
Mine is Xiaomi temp/humidity/pressure sensors (square box), the battery level is still 100% after almost three months of usage. It is located about 6 meters from my usb zigbee hub. Transmission frequency is not fixed.
This is correct, at least for the temperature part, as I just figured out that mine also send the temperature reading when there’s a difference of 0.5°.
This not good for my generic thermostat as it stops heating at +0.5 from target temperature (where my hot_tolerance = 0) and starts heating at -0.5 (when I my cold_tolerance = 0.2) which keeps the room temperature oscillating by 1°C (worst senario) which is not good for energy consumption.
I’ll probably tweak my thermostat settings to use hot_tolerance = 0.3 and cold_tolerance = 0.2 to lower the temperature oscillation to 0.5°C