Xiaomi Universal Remote Help needed

I’m having issues with the Xiaomi integration and can’t get it to work. It’s like a puzzle with missing pieces, very frustrating. I found bits and pieces of info everywhere but nothing is working.

I have the Xiaomi Universal Remote v2 (chuangmi.remote.v2) and would like to integrate it into HA (2020.12.1). Since I don’t use the Xiaomi Gateway I understood I can configure it directly in the configuration.yml (because the xiaomi_miio integration is part of the HA core, correct?).

This is my config entry:

  - platform: xiaomi_miio
    token: <12 digit code extracted with py script and exe>

When I go to Developer Tools > Services and pick the “remote.learn_command” service, putting in remote.xiaomi_miio (I assume that entity name is generated from the configuration.yaml entry by HA? I saw examples like that in another post.) and then I call the service. The LED on the remote doesn’t seem to flicker and when I push a button on my TV remote aimed at the Xiaomi, nothing seems to happen.

I then check the ‘Overview’ section (Lovelace) but there’s no notification.

In the HA Configuration > Logs I find this:

Logger: homeassistant.components.xiaomi_miio.remote
Source: components/xiaomi_miio/remote.py:86
Integration: Xiaomi Miio (documentation, [issues](https : // github. com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22integration%3A+xiaomi_miio%22))
First occurred: January 9, 2021, 8:08:25 PM (563 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:53:57 AM
Device unavailable or token incorrect: Unable to discover the device

The IP of the Universal Remote is definitely correct and I can ping it and I got the token from the extractor tool/script.

Does anyone have a complete guide or can help how to fix this?

The Universal Remote is found by my iOS app and the only Xiaomi device I have (I read you could have issues with the token if multiple devices exist).