Xiaomi Vacuum is still buggy in the new version, and I start to think the problem only persist for me.
Can someone confirm me please that others have these error messages in 64.1 too?
Everything is working fine, I can see the vacuum, I can even turn on/off from homeassistant, but I still get these error messages flooding my log making it useless.
I Tried to disable logging for vacuum, but couldn’t, these things always popped up, no matter what I wrote in the logger, so I waited for new versions, but still nothing, and that makes me think only I have this problem and I messed up something…
Retrying with incremented id, retries left: 3
12:44 components/vacuum/xiaomi_miio.py (WARNING)
Got error when receiving: timed out
12:44 components/vacuum/xiaomi_miio.py (ERROR)
Retrying with incremented id, retries left: 3
12:37 components/vacuum/xiaomi_miio.py (WARNING)
Got error when receiving: timed out
12:37 components/vacuum/xiaomi_miio.py (ERROR)
Retrying with incremented id, retries left: 3
12:37 components/vacuum/xiaomi_miio.py (WARNING)
Got error when receiving: timed out
12:37 components/vacuum/xiaomi_miio.py (ERROR)
Retrying with incremented id, retries left: 3
12:21 components/vacuum/xiaomi_miio.py (WARNING)
Got error when receiving: timed out
12:21 components/vacuum/xiaomi_miio.py (ERROR)
Retrying with incremented id, retries left: 3
12:17 components/vacuum/xiaomi_miio.py (WARNING)
Got error when receiving: timed out
12:17 components/vacuum/xiaomi_miio.py (ERROR)
Retrying with incremented id, retries left: 3
12:06 components/vacuum/xiaomi_miio.py (WARNING)
Got error when receiving: timed out
12:06 components/vacuum/xiaomi_miio.py (ERROR)
Retrying with incremented id, retries left: 3
12:02 components/vacuum/xiaomi_miio.py (WARNING)
Got error when receiving: timed out
12:02 components/vacuum/xiaomi_miio.py (ERROR)
I get them also. You can’t remove them as they are displayed in system log, not the logger component. The vacuum is fully functional. What version do you have, I have the V2. @syssi any ideas as to the timeout issue or ways we can debug this further?
I have TP Link WDR 3600 router with OpenWRT and the connection is 100% stable (monitoring it).
I had the same problem with original TP Link firmware too.
The vacuum is available and online, its in my group list and I can turn it on or off anytime. I can even see when my wife starts it from her phone.
I would be perfectly happy if I could only turn off the error messages for vacuum.
Thanks, I do have my vacuum isolated however it is still accessible via the app and HA. I noticed some users mentioned to set the firewall rules to reject as opposed to dropping the requests which I originally had. Will give that a go overnight.
You are using the system_log component accessible at http://hass:8124/dev-info. This component doesn’t respect/use the settings of the logger component.
The system_log shows all errors and warnings and cannot be configured at the moment. We could implement a filter method here. The source of a log messages is just a guess at the current implementation. There is much room for improvements. It’s a bit out of my scope.
@BarryHampants Could you provide a file list of /config/?
find config
Does a config/deps directory exists? If yes look for a construct and miio directory. Just remove the directories and upgrade to the latest home assistant version.
I had to delete the python 3.6 directory in my dockers persistent storage rather than the container itself. So basically, for anyone else looking, next to your yaml configuration files is a /deps directory, in my case I deleted everything in there and restarted.