Xiaomi Vacuum cleaner Card

do you know release notes for it?

I run the latest version without any problems!

May I ask what app this is? This is not the MiHome app right? I just got the Roborock S55 3 days ago so haven’t done very much with it other than adding it to Home Assistant and using this Vacuum Cleaner Card.
And if it is, what is the benefit of using that app instead? (srry for the lot of questions :P)

Flolevac for Android only. Can get the latest version directly from China server without the need to wait for official release.
Edit: it’s also great to use for getting coordinats!

Ah and the coordinates could be used in Home Assistant to automate the robot right?
That is pretty handy yes, do I need special stuff? Like rooted Android or rooted vacuum? Or will it just work out of the box?

Yes the coordinats to make room cleaning . Nope, no special stuff, just install the app and log in on your account. The coordinats you get by marking a zone on the map (same map as in the default app) and long press the start button. That will give you the coordinates to past in a document.

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That is great, I will install this. I found it in the playstore, so gonna play with it now :P. Thank you!

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I just read a guy post that after the house cleaning, instead of going to the dock, he sends the vacuum to the trashbin, so when arrives home, he just empties the dustbin and send the vacuum back to the dock.
this would be more efficient than the reminders to cleanup the dustbin.
I will give it a try :slight_smile:

I try to use your modifyed card for my roborock s50.
Everything is working, but the automations does not run when the set time passes.
I copied your “automations.yaml” section. do you know what the problem might be ?


You need all sensors and input sliders to work fine.
What is your vacuum name? vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum_cleaner?

All sensors, and sliders work fine.
Also the automation starts when i maualy triggers it.
yes, my vacuum name is vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum_cleaner, yes.


Here is from my automations.yaml file

- id: cleaning_timer_weekdays
  alias: Takarítás ütemezése hétköznap
  - platform: template
    value_template: '{{ states.sensor.vacuum_start_time_weekdays.state == states.sensor.time.state
  - condition: time
    - mon
    - wed
    - fri
  - data:
      entity_id: vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum_cleaner
    service: vacuum.start
- id: cleaning_timer_weekend
  alias: Weekend
  - platform: template
    value_template: '{{ states.sensor.vacuum_start_time_weekend.state == states.sensor.time.state
  - condition: time
    - sat
    - sun
  - data:
      entity_id: vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum_cleaner
    service: vacuum.start

With your config it can be start at monday, wednesday and friday. And it’s only start, if your sheduler is open.

I have tried to set the time for 5 minutes ahead, and wait, but nothing happen whan the time passes.
It i wednesday today, so then it should have started.

And you need this component: https://www.home-assistant.io/components/time_date/

When you said the last thing there, aboute the time component, i was thinking “YES there it is”
Added the component to my sensor.yaml file, restartet HA and put in a new time on the sheduler. Waited, but nothing is still happening :unamused:

Have you got “sensor.time” entity with current time?
And your sensor.vacuum_start_time_weekdays entity has a sheduled time?

Woohoo, found my problem :+1:t2:
Apparantly the time on my rpi HA was two houres late :joy:
Thank you so much for your help.

Hi everyone,
Recently I have created a custom card that enables you to control Xiaomi Vacuums by marking points/drawing zones on a map (just like in Mi Home). You can check it out on my repo:

Zoned cleanup:

Predefined zones:

Go to target:


looking verry nice :slight_smile:
are you a programmer? you also using google assistant?
i have google assistant loaded as a custom component, so i can talk to google home : Hey google, vacuum the kitchen, but its a custom :frowning: would like to see it in official release, but it needs to be coded on google assistant component, as well as on xiaomi vacuum component or new template vacuum

Looks very promising!
One question: The map you need to prepare, how do you get that part?