It worked for me during a week but now input_select doesn’t react.
I’m in the same problem as @pitoganzado . Anyone know how to make it work?
My HA version is 0.91.4
i have it running with an input select and script (automation)
name: Choose a room to clean
- Selecteer
- Keuken
- Keuken 3x
- Inkomhal
- Alles
- Nieuwe map
- id: vacuumclean
initial_state: 'on'
alias: Start Cleaning Room
hide_entity: True
- platform: state
entity_id: input_select.vacuum_room
from: 'Selecteer'
- service: script.turn_on
entity_id: >
{% if is_state("input_select.vacuum_room", "Keuken") %}
{% elif is_state("input_select.vacuum_room", "Keuken 3x") %}
{% elif is_state("input_select.vacuum_room", "Inkomhal") %}
{% elif is_state("input_select.vacuum_room", "Alles") %}
{% elif is_state("input_select.vacuum_room", "Nieuwe map") %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
- service: input_select.select_option
entity_id: input_select.vacuum_room
option: "Selecteer"
Has anyone exposed the Zone cleaning scripts to google assistant? Is it working?
My scripts shows up as Scenes in Google home app but I am not able to get them to work. They work perfectly in homeskit with siri.
Im thinking if I need to expose them as a switch instead?
yes i am using google assistant as custom component, so google assistant is aware of my zones
i dont need to expose them as scenes/scripts or whatever, its working in native mode
i can say, hey google, vacuuum the “zonename”
see a few posts above
EDIT: seems i posted in another thread
see it here : Howto: Xiaomi vacuum zoned cleaning
Could you share your config for the lovelace and automations ?
Are you able to say “Hey google, vacuum the kitchen 2 times” with this aswell?
Also how can I use google assistant as custom component?
Only reason I want to use IFTTT is to be able to customize my vacuuming
no , repeats like 2 times is not possible, thats not supported by google
what do you want to customize in ifttt?
I want to be able to say “Hey google, vacuum the kitchen 2 times” and then send 2 repeats to it. Or Vacuum the entrance 3 times and send 3 repeats
There is 2 ways I can do this
Either use the send command function within the vacuum and call the service clean zone, this should be possible as others have been able to do it but im struggling with this one.
Or create scripts for each of the repeats and then call them from IFTTT, 1 script for each repeat. A little bit more code but this im pretty sure I can do today and most likely I will not send more then 1 repeat to most of the zones.
Sure not much automation since i mainly activate it with the google home, and im not done setup the room locations since that it pretty hard.
But here are the text for lovelace:
scripts is indeed easy, but IFTTT should also work, just make an applet with 2 ingredients, the name and the repeats as variable
disadvantage, you need to tell the exact phrase you setup in ifttt
if you use the native google component, like other stuff native exposed in google, you can have a conversation with google assistant to tell to clean the kitchen in different ways
but only repeats is not supported
Any guide or link on how to load the google assistant as custom component?
Im trying to get this to work, Howto: Xiaomi vacuum zoned cleaning
I am using this for now,
But this only allows few options for vacuuming, start stop etc.
Some great content on this page awesome cards, here is mine below but I might pinch some inspiration from other here.
download HA from github, extract from the component dir the “google_assistant” component, place the whole directory in your custom_components directory
then replace the file with the one from mu link and change coordinates in that file
restart HA; sync your devices, and you are good to go
Anyone knows how to calculate when to clean the bin ?
Okej i a new to this… i dont rely know what to next.
I got the tokes, from the ios divice, and add it to config,ymal
but i have no ide what to next. i cant see it in my HA, i think i need to add new device some how.
Did any of you update to the latest 3.3.9_001768 firmware version without any issues?
still 1720 here, do you have issues with it?
Didn’t update yet - just curious if anybody had before I do it.
I have the latest version, I got it 2 days ago so I didn’t put much thought to it. Anyways it is working perfectly fine. (Roborock S55)