Xiaomi vibration sensor - detect when vibration stopps

I would like to write an automation when my dryer finishes its work to let me know via google home mini. I have xiaomi vibration sensor and I know how to detect vibration but don’t know how to detect the fact that vibration has finished. Anyone have an idea how to do that? Or maybe other idea how to detect this fact. I alvo think about power consumtion but don’t have power socket with that function right now. Thanks in advance

try this

Could you not just trugger when it changes from vibeation to no vibration? Am I missing something?

Thanks! I will check it out

As far as I know there in state no vibration…

Your best bet and the only work around I am aware of is doing what I did. Using the last action to trigger a timer. Then if last action is vibrate the timer resets and so on in a loop until another last action of vibrate doesn’t come through, which means the machine is done. I wanna say it either 2 or 3 minutes that the sensor updates so the timer would basically check the last action every 3-4 minutes. I moved since I set that up and havnt redone it but it did work when I was using it.

It is working although my dryer generates only small vibes and vibration sensor with high sensitivity sometimes doesn’t detect vibration :frowning: