Xiaomi Vibration Sensor. A simple Automation for detecting state on and off

As is well documentation in these forums, the vibration sensor created in the Xiaomi Gateway integration does not have a state that is functional. No matter how the device is handled , the state never changes. It does not match the Xiaomi Mi home app which show each state change.

The only attribute that is useful for triggering automatons or setting templates is last_action which will state the last action the device detected vibrate,tilt or free_fall

However the last_action state never resets , so we don’t know when the action stops , or if the same action was repeated later.

To solve this problem and match what is shown on the MI Home app . I have created 3 binary sensors for vibration, tilt and free_fall which will trigger on when movement is detected and off when the action does not repeat within preset time. This preset time is handled by a timer entity. The timer entity is maintained by a very simple automation.

Timer entity

Change the time to increase or decrease sensitivity

    duration: '00:03:00'


Change binary_sensor.vibration_158d00031ce0c7 to match the name of your Xiaomi Vibration Sensor created by the Xiaomi integration

alias: xiaomi movement
description: Turn on timer when vibration, tilt or free fall detected
    - platform: event
      event_type: xiaomi_aqara.movement
        entity_id: binary_sensor.vibration_158d00031ce0c7
    - service: timer.start
        entity_id: timer.xiaomi_move

Binary Sensors

Change binary_sensor.vibration_158d00031ce0c7 to match the name of your Xiaomi Vibration Sensor created by the Xiaomi integration

- platform: template
        friendly_name: "Vibration"
        value_template: >
            {{state_attr("binary_sensor.vibration_158d00031ce0c7","last_action") == "vibrate"
                  and states("timer.xiaomi_move") == "active"
        friendly_name: "tilt"
        value_template: >
            {{state_attr("binary_sensor.vibration_158d00031ce0c7","last_action") == "tilt"
                  and states("timer.xiaomi_move") == "active"
        friendly_name: "free fall"
        value_template: >
            {{state_attr("binary_sensor.vibration_158d00031ce0c7","last_action") == "free_fall"
                  and states("timer.xiaomi_move") == "active"

So when the automation is triggered by the xiaomi_aqara.movement event ( the device is moved) , it simply restarts the timer.

The binary sensors are set true when the timer is running and if they match the last_action of the Xiaomi Vibration Sensor. This way the binary sensor can monitor when the action is set and when it stops.

You can now use these binary sensors to simply trigger automatons and templates on state change.


Thank you for this tip, I’ve been tearing my hair out for days trying to make these vibration sensors work correctly and that’s it :slight_smile:

Attention, there is a small typing error in the timer -> xioami :slight_smile:

    duration: '00:03:00'
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Thanks Dyslexia Rules KO :slight_smile:

I am missing something here? to me the vibration always is reported stop after the configured delay passes and can not be started for at leas 60 seconds (or 90)

See: Reliable, ZigBee compatible vibration sensor? (Aqara is not reliable)