Xiaomi Vima smart lock support?


Purchased keys are temporary (you can use them in the current state, however they won’t show any differentiation in the app).

You need to reset all keys (press the beige button for 5 seconds), then use the key management in the Mi Home app.

Thank you I solved problem, Mi Home is very slow in these days it didn’t update Keys management screen.
After I hold refresh button all 5 keys has been shown.

Seem there is any automation possible specifying the single key. Is it true?

I wish to use it within HA… I tried to add it but
Service: xiaomi_aqara.add_device
Service data: {“gw_mac”:“11ce111c1111”}

show me invalid JSON


If you already paired the lock with Mi Home app then there’s little you can do additionally concerning HA.

The lock is not yet compatible with HA and support is not in sight, although an workaround can be achieved: see my comments above in this topic in regard of setting an automation in Mi Home app that will turn the gateway’s light on/off; in turn, this can be used as trigger for automation in HA.

Turn on the gateway lights is too generic and unusefull.
My Xiaomi Gateway light is always on in green color.
It would only be useful if it were possible to specify a color of gateway light different from green, blue e red that I already used in alarm system configuration.

I prefer to create an automation with a Xiaomi Smart Plug linked to a siren.
And when a wrong key is detected o someone try to force the door lock the smart plug will turn on the siren. Then I create an automation that will trigger alarm system or other actions…

- alias: door lock abused
    platform: state
    entity_id: switch.plug_123123123
    to: 'on'
    service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_trigger
    data: {"entity_id":"alarm_control_panel.ha_alarm","code":"1234"}

I don’t know if the gateway light could turn to a specific color as the Mi Home app section for the automation part is in Chinese and I had to use Google Translate in order to achieve, at least, turning on.

As I didn’t had any use for the gateway’s light (being mounted behind a cabinet) I set the automation in Mi Home app to turn light on so that HA identifies this as a trigger.

Hi all.
I got after a lot of struggle to link it and have it all in order, and for gilipolleces that one makes in life I’m curious about the issue of “allow / deny local operations” in the app comes in Chinese I gave it to try and hung the app and the mobile, restart it and surprise, when opening the app the Vima no longer appeared but it turns out that now when I press the button in the lock to link it, it does not whistle or do anything I suppose local operations have been denied, and the question is it possible to reset the lock so that it can be linked again or do you know a solution?
Thanks and greetings to all

Hi @pereweb,

As far as I know, “allow local operations” is in regard of authorizing keys, not pairing key cylinder with the gateway.

Try keeping the pairing button until the cylinder is fully reset and then repair with the gateway. You will then need to pair again all keys with cylinder.

Also, ensure the China Mainland server is selected and available to connect to.

Few days ago I installed zigbb2mqtt with the project to replace the Xaomi Gateway that cause me many connection alerts.

I discovered that zigbee2mqtt support VIMA smart cylinder and now it is supported by Home Assistant as a sensor.
Now in HA it show the number ok key used to open the door… 01, 02, 03… etc.

But after it show the number of key it retain persistent.
I wish to reset its state… to null.
How can I do it?

I’m no expert, but here is what I did in the sensor config:
expire_after: 180
this resets the state after key inserted, in seconds, it resets it to ‘unknown’
something else you may be interested in is a value template, I used this to make the key numbers more meaningful:

value_template: “{%if value_json.inserted == ‘06’ %}John{% elif value_json.inserted == ‘05’ %}Jane{% elif value_json.inserted == ‘04’ %}Spare{% elif value_json.inserted == ‘03’ %}Harry{% elif value_json.inserted == ‘02’ %}Katie{% elif value_json.inserted == ‘strange’ %}Strange{% else %}None{% endif %}”

btw - I haven’t used the Gateway with the lock, just Zigbee2MQTT

Suppose I wish to hear a hello voice from my Google Home when I open the door…
Please help me to create an automation template based…

  - alias: Welcome
      platform: mqtt
      topic: 'zigbee2mqtt/0x123456789abc'
      condition: template
      value_template: “{%if value_json.inserted == ‘01’ %}John{% elif value_json.inserted == ‘05’ %}Jane{% elif value_json.inserted == ‘strange’ %}Strange{% else %}None{% endif %}”
      - service: tts.google_say
        entity_id: media_player.google
          message >  ????????????????
          language: 'it'
          cache: false

I had thought about this myself, but given the device doesn’t give you an indication of coming or going, you’d need to use presence detection, and because of that you’re better off using presence detection for the welcome message in my opinion

Can you please link the siren that you use with xiaomi smart plug?

Boas Malta, tenho um Vima Smart Xiaomi. Já tinha configurado na mi home mas tive que eliminar, agora não consigo configurar novamente. O botão castanho não faz o som nos 5s que pede. Alguém que me dê alguma dica? Obrigado

Thank you @captain_daveman in share/zigbee2mqtt/devices.yaml
I edited my device:

  friendly_name: Vima_lock
  retain: false
    expire_after: 180

and it works fine, resetting value of key after 180 seconds.

Same hardware, but Tuya app! May Be easier integration?

unlikely - the existing Tuya integration doesn’t support many Tuya device types.

zigbee. and requires tuya zigbee hub apparently.

Hi, I had the same problem. I checked “allow local operation” option and after restarting the gateway it was impossible to pair the VIMA device again. I pressed many times for long time the beige button without success, also I tried to remove batteries etc. Yesterday I found a solution. I pressed blue and beige buttons simultaneously for more than 5 seconds I heard sound and it was possible to start standard pairing process (by pressing the beige button for more than 5 seconds). Not sure if it was important but before pressing blue and beige buttons, I removed battery for a while, put it back and put black (primary) key to the VIMA device. Maybe it helps someone.

Hi all,

If I’ll buy three xiaomi vima smart lock cylinders and install in three doors, would it be possible to program one key to open all three doors?

Or do I have to use separate key for each door?

I tried to find an answer on web, but with no luck.

hello, is there anything new for support with the official xiaomi integration?

thank you