Hey all,
So I’m trying to get my dumb kettle automated with HA.
I am using a Xiaomi Zigbee Wall switch to turn the kettle on.
I have created an automation that turns the switch off after 2 minutes (maximum time it takes to boil my kettle) and then sends a notification telling me the kettle is boiled.
However, I want the switch to turn off (and send the notification) based on the load_power attribute.
The problem is, the xiaomi switch doesn’t update the load_power attribute for about 4 minutes. It updates in real time in the Mi Home app, but for some reason it takes roughly 4 minutes in HA.
My question:
Does anyone know how to get the load_power attribute to update in real time (or close to) please?
For anyone curious, this is my current setup.
- action: - delay: 00:02:00 - data: entity_id: switch.plug_158d0001xxxxxxx service: switch.turn_off - data: message: Your kettle is boiled and ready to go. title: Kettle service: notify.ios_josephs_iphone alias: Kettle Off after 2 minutes condition: [] id: '1518998764824' trigger: - entity_id: switch.plug_158d0001xxxxxx from: 'off' platform: state to: 'on'
- platform: template sensors: kettle_current_power: friendly_name: 'Kettle Current Power' value_template: '{{float(states.switch.plug_158d0001xxxxxx.attributes.load_power)}}' unit_of_measurement: W
name: Kitchen
- switch.plug_158d0001xxxxxx
- sensor.kettle_current_power