Xiaomi water leak sensor, anyone has it working?

I got two, succesfully (I think) paired with the gateway, and they show in HASS.

But even if I submerge them in water, no notification …

how did you pair them? mine are paired to the gateway via the app and a hass restart, things work fine when they get a leak

What is “leak” for you?

Some water splash, submerged or?

the contacts at the bottom getting wet, becuase thats how it reports it has seen water

You can check if the sensor is working, by looking if the state changes from “off” to “on” (when water is present between the 2 contacts), in “developer tools” -> “states”

To be notified, you need to setup an automation like this (extract from automations.yaml)

- action:
  - data:
      message: Alert  -  Water leak detected
    service: notify.html5push
  alias: Water Alert Notification
  condition: []
  id: '1524076609336'
  - entity_id: binary_sensor.water_leak_sensor_158d000211b2f2
    from: 'off'
    platform: state
    to: 'on'

Sorry to dig up an old thread, but I figured the people here would have been using the leak sensors a while.

Has anyone found that upon a HA restart, the previous state of the sensor is lost?
I am using mine to monitor my dogs water bowl, so I actually require it to be in a state of “ON” when HA restarts.

Any ideas please?

@onkytonk did you solve your problem?

No. I never worked it out unfortunately.

I have the same issue with my Aqara water leak sensor that do not update. Have you finally found a fix for this ?

After setting up the Xiaomi Gateway, HomeAssistant finds two sensors (Aqara leak sensor + the illumination sensor of the gateway) + the light of the gateway.
I am able to control the light of the gateway (and play the ringtones), but the two sensors never update their values, even if the leak sensor is immerged in water (I do receive a notification on my Android phone).

The log shows this message:
Got error element in data {"error":"Invalid key"} (components/xiaomi_aqara/light.py)
The home assistant guide says to modify the key (I did it) and to check if multicast is supported by my router (it is - but can anyone suggest a test to verify that ?)

Thank you !

I’m having some issues pairing these sensors as well. I’m trying to get 4 of these sensors to reliably stay connected to my HA.

They are paired to a EZSP = Silicon Labs EmberZNet protocol: Elelabs, HUSBZB-1, Telegesis by ZHA USB stick.

It took a while to get them paired and now, if I restart the HA then they don’t reconnect reliably. Right now, one of those is connected.

I thought maybe it’s a range thing but the closest one is not connected.

These sensors are < 2m old so I don’t believe it’s the batteries.

Any thoughts on what I should begin to do in order to troubleshoot this?