Xiaomi Wireless Switch Click Event Doesn't Work Anymore

I’ve decided to try using my Xiaomi Aqara Gateway instead of Z2M again. I disconnected the switch from Z2M, paired it with the Aqara Gateway again but it didn’t respond.
I deleted the switch from the Xiaomi App, paired it again (this time as a new switch because before I let the app kinda recognize it as the previous switch), deleted the Xiaomi Integration from HA and added it again (extreme hassle btw since they messed up the app), rebooted the host, restarted the HA core, nothing worked
I don’t see anything in the HA logs (Settings->System->Logs) regarding Xiaomi but Idk maybe I need to configure something before I can see the Xiaomi related stuff?

the automation that didn’t work was:

platform: event
event_type: click
  entity_id: binary_sensor.switch_158d0002ca2afb
  click_type: single


service: light.toggle
data: {}
  entity_id: light.hue_ambiance_lamp_1

I doublechecked that the entity ID is correct.
In the Mi Home App the clicks are recognized but I suppose HA doesn’t recognize them?

What to do now?

solution: it’s event_type: xiaomi_aqara.click
honestly, I feel like this is HAs fault because there’s no handholding when creating this automation trigger, the Xiaomi documentation seemed lackluster on how to actually create automations so I googled it and copied outdated code from this forums’ threads

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Make changes to the docs then.

But then again it is documented right here

you’re right about that but my reaction when I only saw there’s 2 examples on configuring devices was that I immediately wrote it off as to not waste further time and just headed to google in hopes of finding something more extensive

and regarding making changes to the docs, I get where you’re coming from but I’m just an end user, I don’t have the time/mental to contribute but I want to voice my frustration as a purely end user part of the community who got baited into HA by good reviews and is too commited now to leave it