Hello everyone, upon updating to 2022.10.5, I have found my Zigbee power sockets are over-reading by a factory of 10x (i.e. if it’s got a 200w load, ZHA now reports 2000w loads). I checked the update history/logbook, and this started immediately after the update.
This setup has been running relatively trouble free for some months now.
I have about 4 zigbee plugs around my house. All this worked perfectly before the update. Immediately before the update I had ~200w load, but after I have ~2000w.
Where should I start troubleshooting this? Obviously it’s all working, it’s just that the values are off by a significant amount.
Same thing happened to me… I was subscribing to *_electrical_measurement and as of latest shows sup watts now… I fixed this by now subscribing to *_analog_input as it seems to show the fixed value.
So first power outage since this update (happens a lot for me).
Electrical Measurement showed 0 (expected) but input was still showing the watt usage going into the plug (have a UPS).
I only bring this up as I now have to change some of my warnings/notifications back to Electrical Measurement to notify properly that some of my PCs/Servers are no longer getting power.
I do hope they fix this at some point as I care mre about what the plug is pulling from the wall then what wattage input it is getting.
Ok, I think I have a different problem now. The “Analog_Input” value doesn’t appear in home assistant as an integer, but rather a state (as evidenced by the history). I am going to open a bug on the HASS Core Github, I will post the link here later.
Support for the same plug (and other Aqara EU plugs) with newer firmware was added in that HA version.
In my testing, it didn’t break existing plugs. However, (removing the device from ZHA and) re-paring it will fix the issue and now also add the voltage sensor and total energy consumption sensor which integrates with the HA energy dashboard.
Reconfiguring the plug might also work, but it had some issues in my testing (but they might be resolved now).