Yale Conexis L1 - Z Wave Questions

Hi all! Long time user of home assistant, I’ve just bought a Yale Conexis L1 Door lock. I want to integrate this into home assistant and unlock the front door using presence. Am I right in thinking I will need the z wave module for the conexis to achieve this?

Assuming that I do leads me onto my next question. I have no z wave devices and haven’t really got any desire to add any apart from this lock. I have a few zigbee devices and will probably stick to this protocol in the main. Home assistant is running on a Raspberry Pi 3B+, which I have no plans to upgrade at present as it’s running fine for me. Based on this would it be recommended to just grab a cheaper, slightly older z wave device, such as the Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5 ZW090-C or stump up for a newer one?

Many thanks!