Yale deadbolt wrong status on ZwaveJS?

Yeah, though I’m still wading thru all the “what IS the right spec” and whatnot.

In the end, I’m stuck between a lock maker that says “its up to your controller to support what a device does” and then ZwaveJS that at least for now sounds unsure what they are supposed to do with the differences in how its handled.

I’m not thrilled with this migration from the old Zwave honestly, but we’re at a point where waiting is no longer an option with the old Zwave being pulled entirely soon, and that’s why I’m going more for the “build my own workaround” because it looks like its not going to be fixed with zwavejs before the old ozw goes away next month.

Matt…as the owner of 3 YRD256 locks, I share your frustration in how they report to Zwave JS…I’m currently listening to binary_senor.lock_xxxxxx_access_control_lock_jammed to monitor the locks and send me a push notification if they report as jammed. I then use a python script from a lovelace button to reset them when I clear the jam…certainly not ideal but I LOVE the direction you are going. To be honest I don’t understand most of it, but it would be fantastic if you could share your workaround when it’s all said and done for these locks!

Also - When I was using these locks with the depreciated/original Zwave baked in integration, I was able to grab the user who engaged the lock from alarm_level / alarm_type reporting that doesn’t seem to be present within ZWave JS…Have you had any luck getting that data back?

Nice work!!

Yep, I’ll post it here when I’m happy with it (I have 3 of them myself - hammering out kinks on the one that’s a semi-interior garage door before doing exterior security doors).

For example, let the dogs out and the door was partly closed, and I got distracted…so it told me. And then I could go operate the lock manually and that auto-reset it. That’s how it USED TO work, and how I want to have my automations work again. This is my “end goal” and I think I now am armed with the required knowledge to get “most” of it working, but need more time (I work full-time…spent ALL of last weekend on this, Saturday was fighting my dimmer fan/light switches and Sunday all day was this lock)

Also by having the automation send out to everyone what was cleared how it avoids anyone else having to check it because we all know its dealt with. So I don’t want others to have to “learn” a new process, just operate it and verify its turning all the way. I spent a TON of time getting the doors hung precisely to have the bolt move with zero effort (even getting 3" screws for everything to reduce seasonal movement)


I’ve had an automation that sends everyone in the house a Telegram message to know if its got an alarm, and again to tell that the alarm was cleared by what means. I REALLY want this functionality back.

So it seems like if you enable those entities you do get that data, but ONLY if it hits a value_change that the new ZwaveJS doesn’t understand what to do with. For example, “handing the lock” sends those, as does “Keypad removed tamper” (to test, unscrew the back half and unplug the keypad wiring harness while its powered up - it’ll scream and beep and send a zwave alert out)

The things I care about are more/less

  • Too many PIN tries
  • Jams (happens a lot with guests)
  • Someone smashing the keypad to try and break in
  • Someone using the master PIN to open the door (should never happen - we all have codes)
  • Someone adding/deleting a user without everyone discussing it first
  • Battery is low (as reported by the lock) ← I think this might be working properly, but I need to get some low/dead batteries to prove it. My batteries seem to last at least a year in the most-used lock…so maybe August at this rate? I may sacrifice a set of batteries (or rechargables) with a dummy load to test it faster once I get the rest hammered out.

I’d like to get “factory reset” alarm caught but I’m too chicken to hose all the user codes and programming to test that alert so it will probably be untested.

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haha…I understand…I constantly say to myself: I thought Home Automation was supposed to make my life easier? I’ve spent a few weekends dedicated to getting things (or attempting) to work the way they are supposed to. Nevertheless, best of luck on getting the bugs worked out. You’ve obviously gotten farther in the past couple days than ANYONE else has on these locks in the past year. I look forward to seeing (and using!) the end result!


Yeah I have been chasing circles with what others have done in threads across this forum, GitHub, Reddit, and official documentation. Still learning the format of the “spec” stuff but its not dissimilar from what I have to do at work (software engineer) making computers talk to each other in how messages are relayed on the wire…which probably helps. And trying to learn what tools I have to analyze the zwave bits looking under the hood (I’m used to using Wireshark, but I don’t have that here).

EDIT: Maybe when all is said and done I’ll be bold and reset the back door lock “For Science” to prove what alert that fires off…at least that will be less likely to trap anyone outside if it goes badly and I end up hand-reprogramming everything. That’d also be a good one to test “handing the lock” because it opens the opposite direction so I will get more variety on my test-cases and validation of whatever I build.

Overall it is easier, I can have the inner garage deadbolt open when an authorized user unlocks the outer one saving a step. I can have it auto-relock after a while (if the door is shut) also factoring in if I’m coming/going a lot (not relock while I’m unloading groceries like the built-in auto lock does). But that easy requires first lots of prep and aligning of planets.

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I think I may have the majority of it worked out if you want to give it a shot. I use “packages” YAML files so this is the whole file that is more or less working like I used to have a high level lock status before.

I’ve tried to put in LOTS of comments for explaining what I know (for others and my own sanity), the only thing I believe I have to yet work out is low-battery if the “built in” low battery alerts work, or if its passed thru and I should be capturing it in my scripts.

Anything unknown should print “unknown” and the raw values to aid in debugging.

If you figure out things I’ve missed please pass them along what it is and how to test it so I can incorporate them! I’m not sure what else these YRD256 locks might pass along.

File: inside_garage_door_lock_status.yaml

# Required changes to use:
# 1) Find your device_id and do a find/replace to put it in all the triggers
#    NOTE: Easiest way to get the device_id field value is:
#          Developer Tools > Events
#          Listen for: "zwave_js_notification"
#          Then trigger door unlock/lock and observe fields
# 2) Enable the disabled-entities in the home assistant device for your lock:
#    > alarmtype
#    > alarmlevel
#    NOTE: these should be named like entity_id of:
#          sensor.my_lock_location_alarmtype
#          sensor.my_lock_location_alarmlevel
#    Take note of the prefix before the alarmtype and alarmlevel entity IDs
# 3) Scroll down to the line a bit after "sensor:" which contains
#                {% set lock_sensor_id_prefix = '' %}
#    and input the aforementioned sensor prefix for the alarmtype and alarmlevel
#      Example:  {% set lock_sensor_id_prefix = 'sensor.my_lock_location' %}
#    NOTE: Omit the _alarmtype and _alarmlevel as those are automatically added
# 4) Reload the template-sensors (or restart Home Assistant core) and test

    # Power to RF Module Restored (e.g. batteries installed)
    - platform: device
      device_id: c5b2bbe667f11062ecea27ead06b8705
      domain: zwave_js
      type: zwave_js.value_updated.value
      command_class: 113
      property: Power Management-Power status
      id: value_updated
    # Battery Low - Replace Soon
    - platform: device
      device_id: c5b2bbe667f11062ecea27ead06b8705
      domain: zwave_js
      type: zwave_js.value_updated.value
      command_class: 113
      property: Power Management-Battery maintenance status
      id: value_updated
    # Lock jammed
    - platform: device
      device_id: c5b2bbe667f11062ecea27ead06b8705
      domain: zwave_js
      type: zwave_js.value_updated.value
      command_class: 113
      property: Access Control-Lock state
      id: value_updated
    # Keypad PIN Lockout
    - platform: device
      device_id: c5b2bbe667f11062ecea27ead06b8705
      domain: zwave_js
      type: zwave_js.value_updated.value
      command_class: 113
      property: Access Control-Keypad state
      id: value_updated
    # Legacy Alarm
    - platform: device
      device_id: c5b2bbe667f11062ecea27ead06b8705
      domain: zwave_js
      type: zwave_js.value_updated.value
      command_class: 113
      property: Access Control-unknown
      id: value_updated
    # Normal lock/unlock events
    - platform: event
      event_type: zwave_js_notification
      id: notification
        device_id: c5b2bbe667f11062ecea27ead06b8705
        command_class: 113
        type: 6
    - name: "Inside Garage Door Lock"
      state: >-
        {% if trigger.id == "value_updated" %}
          {% set value = trigger.current_value_raw %}
          {% if value == 1 %}
            Power to RF Module Restored
          {% elif value == 10 %}
            Low Battery
          {% elif value == 11 %}
            Motor Jammed
          {% elif value == 16 %}
            Too many failed PIN attempts
          {% elif value == 254 %}
            {% set lock_sensor_id_prefix = 'sensor.deadbolt_inside_garage_door' %}
            {% set alarm_type = states(lock_sensor_id_prefix + '_alarmtype') | int(-1) %}
            {% set alarm_level = states(lock_sensor_id_prefix + '_alarmlevel') | int(-1) %}
            {% if alarm_type == 161 and alarm_level == 2 %}
              Keypad Front Escutcheon Removed
            {% elif alarm_type == 129 and alarm_level == 0 %}
              Handing Completed (Right)
            {% elif alarm_type == 129 and alarm_level == 1 %}
              Handing Completed (Left)
            {% else %}
              Unknown Legacy alarm_type={{ alarm_type }}, level={{ alarm_level }}
            {% endif %}
          {% else %}
            Unknown Value Update = {{value}}
          {% endif %}
        {% else %}
          {% set value = trigger.event.data.event %}
          {% if value == 1 %}
            Locked Manually
          {% elif value == 2 %}
            Unlock by Manual Mechanical
          {% elif value == 3 %}
            Locked by RF Remote
          {% elif value == 4 %}
            Unlocked by RF Remote
          {% elif value == 5 %}
            {% set userId = trigger.event.data.parameters.userId %}
              {% if userId == 251 %}
                Locked by Keypad Master PIN
              {% else %}
                Locked by Keypad Slot {{ userId }} PIN
              {% endif %}
          {% elif value == 6 %}
            {% set userId = trigger.event.data.parameters.userId %}
              {% if userId == 251 %}
                Unlocked by Keypad Master PIN
              {% else %}
                Unlocked by Keypad Slot {{ userId }} PIN
              {% endif %}
          {% elif value == 9 %}
            Locked by Auto-Lock
          {% elif value == 12 %}
              All User Codes Erased
          {% elif value == 13 %}
              Deleted User Code
          {% elif value == 14 %}
              Added User Code
          {% elif value == 18 %}
            Master PIN Changed at Keypad
          {% else %}
             Unknown Event = {{value}}
          {% endif %}
        {% endif %}

# List of value-change alarms
# 1  Power applied (batteries installed)
# 11 Lock jammed
# 16 PIN fail keypad lockout
# 254 Unknown Legacy alarm_type alarm_level
# 254 Legacy             161         2        Keypad Front Escutcheon Removed
#     Legacy             129         0        Lock Handed (right)
#     Legacy             129         1        Lock Handed (left)
# List of event values
# 1 Lock by Manual (NOTE: Both mechancial and one-touch-keypad)
# 2 Unlock by Mechanical
# 3 Lock by RF
# 4 Unlock by RF
# 5 Unlock by Keypad (parameters.userId / 251=master)
#   NOTE: Only works if you disable "one touch locking".
#         One touch locking keypad-lock reports as 1 "Lock by Manual"
#         and the new ZWave events seems to not specify manual method.
# 6 Unlock by Keypad (parameters.userId / 251=master)
# 9 Auto Lock
# 12 All user-codes deleted (not tested)
# 13 User PIN Deleted (does not send slot #)
# 14 New User PIN Added (does not send slot #)
# 18 Master PIN Changed

# TODO: Figure out what these map to now:
#          {% elif alarm_type == 48 %}
#              Factory Reset Defaults
#          {% elif alarm_type == 168 %}
#              Low Battery Critical
#          {% elif alarm_type == 169 %}
#              Low Battery Cannot Operate
#          {% else %}


Today I learned…

Yeah I had to look that one up too back when I was finding the documentation. I’d never heard of it…technically the “zwave interoperability” document from Yale for the “old” way doesn’t ever call it a keypad but I added that word because it seemed much easier to understand “someone pried the keypad off” than “the escutcheon was removed”

BTW the “tamper sense” is simply on “is the outside part plugged into the inside part” for what trips the alarm, afaik it can’t tell someone has pried it off until they break/cut the wires. I tested it by unscrewing the rear half and unplugging the connector to the front. I reset it by removing a battery, plugging the connector in, and reinstalling the battery; then operating the deadbolt normally to “send” a new status.

Also trivia, one thing I found in support/troubleshooting calls the “back half” of the lock with the motor/handle/batteries on the interior as the “rear escutcheon”. Being a simple person with too many words in my head already, I’d call it “the back half” or “the inside part”. :slight_smile:

Thanks @mmiller7 ! This looks awesome and so long overdue! I look forward to playing around with it this weekend when I have some time! Thanks again! You rock!

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I’d be very interested to hear if it works as expected especially if you’ve got the same lock if you get any “unknown” status numbers popping up I may not have stumbled onto.

I know I’ve not yet worked out the “low battery” status messages yet so that’s going to require at least 1 update (which I’ll post when I have one with a low battery to test)

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Got another wrench in my plan…I got my other 2 locks moved over and it tells me some of the stuff doesn’t exist!

Logger: homeassistant.config
Source: config.py:454
First occurred: 5:21:55 PM (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 5:21:55 PM

Invalid config for [template]: Value 32-113-0-Access Control-unknown can't be found on node Node(node_id=32). Got OrderedDict([('trigger', [OrderedDict([('platform', 'device'), ('device_id', 'da3bc521d2bd7446ce2a56ce42c0bf40'), ('domain', 'zwave_js'), ('type', 'zwave_js.value_updated.value'), ('command_class', 113), ('property', 'Power Management-Power status'), ('id', 'value_updated')]), OrderedDict([('platform', 'device'), ('device_id', 'da3bc521d2bd7446ce2a56ce42c0bf40'), ('domain', 'zwave_js'), ('type', 'zwave_js.value_updated.value'), ('command_class', 113), ('property', 'Access Control-Lock state').... (See ?, line ?).
Invalid config for [template]: Value 33-113-0-Access Control-unknown can't be found on node Node(node_id=33). Got OrderedDict([('trigger', [OrderedDict([('platform', 'device'), ('device_id', '33ee4d0b89ec25cf825c70254ddbc298'), ('domain', 'zwave_js'), ('type', 'zwave_js.value_updated.value'), ('command_class', 113), ('property', 'Power Management-Power status'), ('id', 'value_updated')]), OrderedDict([('platform', 'device'), ('device_id', '33ee4d0b89ec25cf825c70254ddbc298'), ('domain', 'zwave_js'), ('type', 'zwave_js.value_updated.value'), ('command_class', 113), ('property', 'Access Control-Lock state').... (See ?, line ?).

But it clearly does, so I’m guessing its a false-alarm somehow.

After fiddling for a while re-interviewing stuff, enabling EVERY sensor even the ones I don’t want to use, restarting the physical machine and even triggering some of the “events” at the lock…I’ll be darned if I can figure out what makes it work. One of them just started working for no apparent reason.

Off to fiddle with the other and see if it reproduces the same success…

EDIT: Yes, I think I found a way that worked. Not sure if it was ALL required but I only have 3 locks to try on.


  1. Pair it with Zwave
  2. Re-interview
  3. Enable ALL the sensors (even ones that don’t work right) in Home Assistant > Device > Your Lock Device Name
  4. Wait about a minute
  5. Re-interview device
  6. Wait about a minute
  7. Go to the Integrations page
  8. On the “3 dots” menu for the ZwaveJS integration, pick “Reload”
  9. With the door open, lock your lock
  10. Enter the master PIN and Settings menu, pick option 3 (Advanced) and option 5 (Handing the Lock) then gear to “accept”. It will re-learn which edge of the door its on (may or may not operate bolt, just let it alone with the door open). This will cause an “unknown” event to fire off and force it to “see” the existence of “unknown”.
  11. Go to the Integrations page
  12. On the “3 dots” menu for the ZwaveJS integration, pick “Reload”
  13. Go to the Settings and “Validate” now it should be happy
  14. Reload Home Assistant to make sure its all fully in sync.

Optionally go back thru “handing the lock” in settings and verify that it shows the status on your dashboard properly for it.

…At least I think that’s what did it.

This one is created at runtime, and doesn’t appear in your screenshot. The others are created during the device interview. Therefore, HA is correct because the value doesn’t exist yet, until you trigger it and bring it into existence.

Ah, ok…interesting. Well at least I found a way to get it working without having to take the thing apart and trip the tamper alarm.

Odd thing is it LOOKED like it was listed in the “debug” field on the ZwaveJS and simply running it once didn’t seem to make a difference until I jumped thru more hoops.

Alright…It looks like I finally have some time to mess with this, however…I know this is going to sound dumb, and I’m sure the answer is obvious, but where do I find the Z-Wave device ID for the lock? I noticed in your code that your ID is: “c5b2bbe667f11062ecea27ead06b8705”, yet the only device ID I see in my config for each device is the two digit node ID (ie “14”) …I assume this isn’t the same thing?

Easiest way to get the device_id field value is get it off an event from your lock under Home Assistant Developer Tools page:
Developer Tools > Events
Listen for: “zwave_js_notification”
Then trigger door unlock/lock and observe fields

I think you could also go thru the Automations GUI and build a new “event” automation with your lock then switch to YAML view and copy what it populates.

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I took this and made an automation, because all I care about is the notifications. However, with my Yale YRD256 locks, I’m not getting a peep through zwave_js_notifcation when the lock is jammed. Any suggestions as to what event to find these in, and/or how to enable them?

- alias: Doors Lock Status
  id: doors_lock_status
  mode: parallel
        id: front_door
        friendly_name: Front Door
        id: kitchen_south_door
        friendly_name: Kitchen South Door
        id: laundry_door
        friendly_name: Laundry Door
        id: mud_room_door
        friendly_name: Mud Room Door
        id: garage_human_door
        friendly_name: Garage Human Door
        friendly_name: locked manually
        friendly_name: unlocked manually
        friendly_name: locked via wireless
        friendly_name: unlocked via wireless
        friendly_name: auto-lock
        friendly_name: all user codes erased
        friendly_name: deleted user code
        friendly_name: added user code
        friendly_name: master code changed at keypad
        friendly_name: Master Code
        friendly_name: Larry
        friendly_name: Curly
        friendly_name: Moe
        friendly_name: Harpo
        friendly_name: Groucho
        friendly_name: Zeppo
    platform: event
    event_type: zwave_js_notification
    - "{{ trigger.event.data.label == 'Access Control' }}"
    - "{{ trigger.event.data.device_id in doors }}"
    - choose:
        - conditions:
            - "{{ trigger.event.data.event in events }}"
            - service: notify.pushover
                message: >
                  {{ doors[trigger.event.data.device_id].friendly_name }}
                  {{ events[trigger.event.data.event].friendly_name }}
        - conditions:
            - "{{ trigger.event.data.event == 6 }}"
            - service: notify.pushover
                message: >
                  {{ doors[trigger.event.data.device_id].friendly_name }} unlocked by
                  {{ people[trigger.event.data.parameters.userId].friendly_name }}
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Isn’t there a “Lock Jammed” sensor exposed?

There is, but it isn’t consistent. It doesn’t update to “off” after the lock isn’t jammed anymore.

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The sensor I built in the earlier post I found they are not all events, some like jammed, lockout, power-restored, and “unknown legacy alarm-code/level” come thru as zwave_js.value_updated type instead.

I had to use the convoluted way of intercepting the value updated trigger because the built in sensors are broken and forever show jammed and lockout without resetting when the bolt cycles like they should. Seems to be some kind of out-standing bug with how the new zwave stuff doesn’t handle it properly.

If the lock never reports that the jam has cleared, there’s no way for zwavejs to know this.