I’m using the Yale Alarm component to handle my alarm, but I’m lacking the ability to check the state of the locks (Yale Doorman). I’m using the Yale Smart Living Module to connect my locks to Yale Alarm system. I can see the state in the Yale Alarm app, but not in HA.
Did you find any solution for this? I have just bought a Yale Doorman and Smart Hub.
Hi, I also bought the Yale Doorman and would love to get the lock into Home Assistant
No news on this topic? I see there is a Yale module, but it is alarm oriented.
Hi! I saw this one, but I don’t know how to find: CONF_ACCESS_TOKEN, CONF_ID,
I have the same system and would really like to do more integration with it to for example detect presence and adress the door lock and get notified when there is an alarm. The Yale Smart Living integration can only set the Yale Smart Living alarm state.
Based on this GitHub site it seems possible to access much more: