Yale YRD220 Config Help

I have been trying to get my Yale RYD220 setup, but Im running into some issues.
Raspi / HASSIO
Zwave Controller - HUSBZB-1
Yale YRD220 added as a secure node.

I can see the following Node Entities
Alarm Level
Alarm Type

Thats it though. I cant change any of the settings for the device in the Z-Wave panel.

I have tried adding the following info into the relevant sections of my zwcfg_xxxx.xml file. But each time I reboot the system for the changes to take effect, the values I changed go right back to what they were. http://www.cd-jackson.com/index.php/zwave/zwave-device-database/zwave-device-list/devicesummary/321?layout=openzwave

If anyone has one of these locks in the same series from Yale, setup in HASS and working well, I would appreciate a hand getting my setup finished.

Make sure you stop Home Assistant before editing zwcfg_xxxx.xml. Home Assistant saves to that config file on stop/restart. If you edit the file while it’s stopped and then start home assistant it should load in the data you add.

You could also try manually updating your openzwave library. I had a thermostat that wasn’t officially supported by openzwave when I set it up in home assistant a few months ago. I recently removed my device, updated openzwave in hass and readded the device. The new library had support for the device so I now have access to all the needed settings for the device. I don’t use hass.io but when I just did this same thing for my setup I went into my virtual environment and did ‘pip install --upgrade python_openzwave’. This could be different for your setup.

Thanks for the reply @bradyn12,

So from the CLI I ran hassio homeassitant stop

Made the changes to the zwcfg_xxxx file

The ran hassio homeassistant start

When the ui came back, all of my nodes showed no names, through connected and complete.
I rebooted Hassio from the UI, and all of the node names showed up again, but again the node entry for the lock was reset.

Any thoughts?

Can anyone provide what they have in their zwcfg_xxxx.xml file for their YRD220 Yale Lock?

You don’t really need it. Just pair it with secure add node. Thats all i did and then i put this sensor template to get lockstate under configuration.yaml

  - platform: template
    value_template: >-
      {%- if is_state("sensor.assa_abloy_unknown_type0002_idaa00_alarm_type", "19") -%}
        {%- if is_state("sensor.assa_abloy_unknown_type0002_idaa00_alarm_level", "0") -%}
          Unlocked by Master Code
        {%- elif is_state("sensor.assa_abloy_unknown_type0002_idaa00_alarm_level", "1") -%}
          Unlocked by User 1
        {%- elif is_state("sensor.assa_abloy_unknown_type0002_idaa00_alarm_level", "2") -%}
          Unlocked by User 2
        {%- else -%}
          Unlocked by User {{ sensor.assa_abloy_unknown_type0002_idaa00_alarm_level }}
        {%- endif %}
      {%- elif is_state("sensor.assa_abloy_unknown_type0002_idaa00_alarm_type", "27") %}
      {%- elif is_state("sensor.assa_abloy_unknown_type0002_idaa00_alarm_type", "21") %}
        Manually Locked
      {%- elif is_state("sensor.assa_abloy_unknown_type0002_idaa00_alarm_type", "22") %}
        Manually Unlocked
      {%- elif is_state("sensor.assa_abloy_unknown_type0002_idaa00_alarm_type", "161") %}
      {%- else -%}
        Unknown Level {{ states.sensor.assa_abloy_unknown_type0002_idaa00_alarm_level.state }} Type {{ states.sensor.assa_abloy_unknown_type0002_idaa00_alarm_type.state }}
      {%- endif %}
    icon_template: >-
      {%- if is_state("sensor.assa_abloy_unknown_type0002_idaa00_alarm_type", "19") -%}
      {%- elif is_state("sensor.assa_abloy_unknown_type0002_idaa00_alarm_type", "27") %}
      {%- elif is_state("sensor.assa_abloy_unknown_type0002_idaa00_alarm_type", "21") %}
      {%- elif is_state("sensor.assa_abloy_unknown_type0002_idaa00_alarm_type", "22") %}
      {%- elif is_state("sensor.assa_abloy_unknown_type0002_idaa00_alarm_type", "161") %}
      {%- else -%}
      {%- endif %}
    friendly_name: 'Front Door Status'

I have added the same lock to my HA instance. I am using a Zooz usb Zwave stick (which is supposed to be HA approved as per the docs. I added the stick through the integrations tab and it obviously generated a network key for me. In the OZW log it does show that it is “setting up provided network key for secure communications”. All I get to show up are the Alarm Level and Alarm Type sensors after adding the lock. I can get the front door status sensor to show as well with the above supplied sensor template. My issue is that I can get the lock interface to show up so I can’t actually lock or unlock it. And yes, when I added the lock I did add secure node in HA. I’ve removed the node, added it back several times and it still doesn’t show the lock or unlock. Any ideas?

Got it figured out. Factory reset Zooz zwave, factory reset lock, removed zwave from integrations, added it to config file.