Yale zigbee lock and status updates

I recently purchased a Zigbee lock - a Yale Assy Abloy Deadbolt (its actually Lockwood Brand - but seems to be a Yale in HA)

I also got a Conbee II zigbee stick so I’m new to how it all works. however I have successfully written some automation to lock and unlock the door however the status of the lock doesn’t update if I lock the lock manually - is there a polling interval or service i can call to update it ? When I go into Deconz and select the lock, I can “read” some attributes and the status updates in HA - just don’t know how to do this without going into deconz.

Also what are most people doing - using deconz or zigbee2mqtt , just curious on what others are doing?

thanks in advance

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I have a zwave lock with the same behavior. This automation worked for me. Perhaps something like this will also work for you.

- id: '2'
  alias: door_lock_update
  - platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.front_door_deadbolt_alarmtype
    to: '22'         # manual unlock
  - platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.front_door_deadbolt_alarmtype
    to: '21'         # manual lock
  - service: zwave_js.refresh_value
      entity_id: lock.front_door_deadbolt

  mode: restart

I configured a Yale YRD226 with a Zigbee module this weekend using ZHA (Nortek Zigbee/ZWave USB key), and it was super straightforward: go into HA and enable joining for new devices, go the Yale lock menu and do a “join network”, and… that’s about it.

It took a couple of attempts for the joining to actually succeed, which is no unusual for Zigbee devices on a large network with multiple routers, but once it worked, I got a “Lock” button and a battery status button, it couldn’t be easier… The integration seems to be stable so far.

Hi @elafargue
can you tell me when locking the door by touching the pad outside, how long does it take in HA to recognize the door is locked.



It takes a couple of seconds, maybe 5 to 10 worst case? Not instant at all, but it does update eventually.

I ended up having to write a couple of scripts to add an “unlocking” state to the lock/unlock button so that users would not press it multiple times waiting for the lock to react.

Hi @elafargue I have the same issue with my yrd256, delay in lock and unlcok status update in HA through ZHA. Would you mind sharing the script you made to work around it.

I’m sure there must be better ways, but this works really well for our family:

alias: Toggle front door with transient state
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: device
            device_id: 4732169e6969c242124d781253d42f0c
            domain: lock
            entity_id: lock.yale_yrd226_tsdb_168bedab_door_lock
            type: is_locked
          - service: python_script.set_state
              entity_id: lock.yale_yrd226_tsdb_168bedab_door_lock
              state: unlocking
          - repeat:
                - condition: device
                  device_id: 4732169e6969c242124d781253d42f0c
                  domain: lock
                  entity_id: lock.yale_yrd226_tsdb_168bedab_door_lock
                  type: is_unlocked
                - device_id: 4732169e6969c242124d781253d42f0c
                  domain: lock
                  entity_id: lock.yale_yrd226_tsdb_168bedab_door_lock
                  type: unlock
                - delay:
                    hours: 0
                    minutes: 0
                    seconds: 3
                    milliseconds: 0
      - service: python_script.set_state
          entity_id: lock.yale_yrd226_tsdb_168bedab_door_lock
          state: locking
      - repeat:
            - condition: device
              device_id: 4732169e6969c242124d781253d42f0c
              domain: lock
              entity_id: lock.yale_yrd226_tsdb_168bed0f_door_lock
              type: is_locked
            - device_id: 4732169e6969c242124d781253d42f0c
              domain: lock
              entity_id: lock.yale_yrd226_tsdb_168bed0f_door_lock
              type: lock
            - delay:
                hours: 0
                minutes: 0
                seconds: 3
                milliseconds: 0
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 1
      milliseconds: 0
mode: single
icon: mdi:lock

Thank you @elafargue. I’ll try this.