Yamaha Musiccast not playing radio browser

I have just upgraded to 2022.4 and noted some changes to the Yamaha Musiccast System. However, I am unable to play the Radio Browser to my Musiccast speakers. HA lets me play the radio streams as set up directly on the Musiccast system, but not those from the Radio Browser.

If I stream a Radio Browser Station in the Web Browser it works, but if I stream to one of my Musiccast Speakers, it just says “Nothing Playing”.

Q1 I suppose is, am I supposed to be able to play the Radio Browser directly to Musiccast?
Q2 Is if I am, what is wrong?

After MusicCast Assistant stopped working on 2023.x - I realized the same. I tried to change my scripts and automation to the native media player and struggling on getting a radio stream playing.
It is fine to use the Musiccast Radio service thingy, but how the Radio Station is chosen is very dodgy, and I am often ending up with a different sender on a daily basis.
Now using the Radio Station implementation of HA I can choose everything but it is simply not playing as @BlueMoon23 also realized.

I did a workaround using scenes, hoping this solves the problem for now.

Any suggestions?