Yamaha Musiccast Play Media service

Hallo, I just updated my Home Assistant to version 2021.9.1, so the Yamaha Musiccast integration now works with “play media service”. I can correctly call the service to play any music file on the Home assistant (running on a RPi4), but I don’t understand how to form the address (‘media_content_id’) for streaming services and/or DLNA server. If i copy and paste the address of a song on Deezer or other streaming service i get the following error: “Only presets, media from media browser and http URLs are supported” (this should be because those address are https and not just http).
Anyway, if I use the media player in Lovelace I can select any service and/or DLNA Service and play music from there…so it should be just an issue with the address…
Can you help me?

Great to see play media service and media browser becoming available on Musiccast.
TTS is working great, however the music which was playing before the tts stops. Any idea to resume it after the tts message?
And I don’t see spotify in the media browser when playing spotify on my musiccast. I suppose you need the HA spotify integration?

I suppose you can’t see spotify in media browser because Yamaha devices use Spotify Connect. Even in the original Yamaha App you don’t see the media browser. Anyway you can use the HA spotify integration in association with Spotcast (if you don’t mind using HACS).
Another thing I noticed is that, after Musiccast_Yamaha has been deprecated, it is impossible to join yamaha speakers from the Mini media player interface.
Anyway…from what I read you are able to use play media service with Musiccast devices…but can you play also from Deezer/Amazon etc. using that service? How do you write the link in media id?

Thanks. I am trying to install the Spotify integration, didn’t succeeded yet (you need to create an app in the developer area). It gets connected to my spotify account,… will tey a little bit further :grin:
Why you need the spotcast plugin if I may ask?

I must say it’s great now to be able to use tts on musiccast. Just need to find a solution to resume the music again after the tts message.

Ehm…my fault. Spotcast isn’t necessary, but it is useful if you want to use the custom Spotify Lovelace card. I don’t think it’s strictly necessary if you want to use that card with Yamaha devices only, but the developer says that it is necessary for the card to work correctly.
Anyway…I’m still stuck on the link to use with streaming services for play_media service to work. :frowning:

How were you able to get tts to work with musiccast? I have tried for a while and cannot get it to work. Now instead trying to play_media from a folder on the hassio installation, but have not gotten it to work yet…

Could you give me any hints/instructions for tts?


I was unable to get that to work on my rx-v681 or my tsr-700 (Costco rx-v6a). Instead, I send the tts to a chromecast device plugged into the receivers. I am using the chromecast devices to stream from plex, so I already had them. At this point, I’m only playing with tts and have no valid need (yet), but I imagine the workflow would go something like this:

Change source to the chromecast input
Send power on to chromecast (they go idle if not used, and won’t play the first tts signal sent to them if you don’t “bump” them first)
Play tts
Change audio source back (if desired)

I realize this isn’t very eloquent, and may in fact be problematic for some people, but barring any actual use cases for tts besides “that’s neat”, that’s as far as I’ve looked into it.