Yamaha MusicCast -

Hi all.

I recently purchase a R-N303D and configured the MusicCast integration.
It has been great so far but it is missing something that I hoped it would have. A speaker A / B / A+B selection entity.

In the MusicCast app, open Sound Settings after turning on the unit.
Scroll down the Speaker A/B. Here you can configure which audio outputs the receiver uses. Set A, Set B, or Set A+B combined. Most of the other controls in this menu are available as entities.

Unfortunately the MusicCast app does not let you divide one MusicCast unit into 2 Rooms so you can control the output. (It would obviously have to disable Room1 = A while Room 2 = B was playing unless you choose A+B)

My goal was to buy one MusicCast device. A=Gym, B=Kitchen. I hoped HA would save me! :).

Has anyone got this control working somehow?

If you can’t get it working with the Yamaha integration, a Broadlink RM 4 will be a safe workaround :wink:

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The second zone should appear as a second media player. Which can play it’s own source or select to copy the main amp as a source. At least that’s the way it works in the other Yamaha integration.

I think, this is not about zones.

On most receivers, zone 1 can also switch between two different speaker pairs. So it is SPEAKER selection, that exists next to ZONE selection :wink:

Ah I see.

Oh, great idea about the Broadcom. I have an RM4 Pro that I have no use for already. Bit fiddly but it can be done :).

Yes, speaker selection is not zones. I spoke to Yamaha support and it is one device or zone per room.
Their support staff didn’t even think it was possible to switch speaker sets in the app…
Completely an app limitation.

Edit: Still some config to do to make it seamless for other users, but broadlink can switch speaker sets ok. Thanks :slight_smile:

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It looks like the underlying aiomusiccast library would support this, so it could be added. Personally I would like to do automations based on which speakers are enabled although I don’t particularly need to be able to set the speakers from HA.

It’s not that different to the other controls already supported at MusicCast - Home Assistant

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Not sure where you’re located, but if you’re in the US, Costco has a tsr-700 for $439. This is a private-label model of the rx-v6a, and is a two-zone receiver. I have three of them driving 6 pairs of speakers in my whole-home audio setup, and have done a good amount of messing with them to get ha to make them do what I want. If what you’re really after is multi-zone, that receiver is easily the least expensive way to do it that I’ve been able to come up with, while having full control from within ha.


I’m in New Zealand. Yamaha is mega $ for some reason.

The integration has been updated and these new entities for speaker a on/off and speaker b on/off are available.
Thanks to the person that did this :).

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