Yamaha Network Receiver Availability

Hi there,
according to the yamaha network receiver docs, the network standby funktion has to be turned on, so HA can access the reciever. It also states that if it isn´t enabled, HA will hang on startup, as it can´t find the reciever. (I´m aware of that)

The situation:
I have a party room in the basement. As this is not used every day, I have turned off all equipment with a main switch.
When I turn on the main switch, the receiver will not be available in HA, so my Idea was to make some kind of automation:

  • If PC is turned on, then restart , and then turn on the AV Receiver.

So I´d like to know if there is a “gentle” way to restart a certain component within HA, and not the whole System, as it takes some time to come up again?
