Yamaha Receiver Wont Select Scene

I have a Yamaha RX-V577 receiver and I am having trouble getting my movie script to trigger the receiver. It steps through all of the steps except setting the scene. If I look at the Media Player additional info when I manually press one of the four scene buttons on the receiver I can see that it switches correctly:
2022-01-30 21_58_40-Home - Home Assistant

When I input “Apple TV” in the script it does nothing and I don’t see any failure in the logs, here is my script:

  alias: Movie
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 5
      milliseconds: 0
  - type: turn_off
    device_id: 21d9a3cf11c511ebb4984f95a283bcaa
    entity_id: light.unknown_type_4449_id_0501_level
    domain: light
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 5
      milliseconds: 0
  - type: turn_off
    device_id: d4118915128411ebbfd2dd6f0561f9b9
    entity_id: light.dining_red_series_level_2
    domain: light
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 5
      milliseconds: 0
  - type: turn_off
    device_id: 43ef2c5dc17c4c0384b2b8b6a2b4b384
    entity_id: light.living_room_lamp
    domain: light
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 3
      milliseconds: 0
  - type: turn_off
    device_id: 77249ca80b6311eb92f64d116855eebd
    entity_id: switch.living_room_red_series_switch
    domain: switch
  - service: yamaha.select_scene
      scene: Apple TV
      entity_id: media_player.yamaha_receiver_living_room
  - scene: scene.under_counter_lights
  mode: single
  icon: mdi:movie

Here is my configuration.yaml with the receiver, the receiver does work with HA, I can play Spotify to it and it seems integrated otherwise.

  - platform: yamaha
      - "AUX"
      - "HDMI6"
      HDMI1: "Apple TV"
      HDMI2: "None"
      - "Zone_2"
      Main_Zone: "Living Room"

Here is the list in Developer Mode → States showing Apple TV listed in the Source List:

source_list: AV1, AV2, AV3, AV4, AV5, AV6, AirPlay, Apple TV, HDMI3, HDMI4, HDMI5, NET RADIO, None, Pandora, SERVER, Spotify, TUNER, USB, iPod (USB)
sound_mode_list: Hall in Munich, Hall in Vienna, Chamber, Cellar Club, The Roxy Theatre, The Bottom Line, Sports, Action Game, Roleplaying Game, Music Video, Standard, Spectacle, Sci-Fi, Adventure, Drama, Mono Movie, Surround Decoder, 2ch Stereo, 7ch Stereo, Straight, Direct
volume_level: 0.47
is_volume_muted: false
source: Apple TV
sound_mode: Standard
friendly_name: Yamaha Receiver Living Room
supported_features: 89021

What am I missing?

You probably need media_player.select_source instead of yamaha.select_scene.

That did not seem to work. Though it did allow the script to finish because the light at the end of my script changed, whereas before it was not.

I did discover the debug option this morning and looked through it briefly. With the changed you suggested I watched the script complete and it does not throw any error. I’m going to change it back to my original and watch the debug to see what it says.

You don’t need to use a script to test out services. There’s also
Open your Home Assistant instance and show your service developer tools.

Using services and the following:

service: media_player.select_source
  source: Apple TV
  entity_id: media_player.yamaha_living_room_living_room

I added:

name: "Yamaha Living Room"

to my configuration.yaml file just in case it needed a name, should I add an entity as well?

If I watch the receiver it blinks like it received a signal (red LED light on the front blinks), but nothing happens. The receiver doesn’t turn on. Which appears to be standard operation because pressing any of the input keys on the remote does the same thing, blinks the light, but no power.

SO back to why I was trying to turn on a scene vs an input… I have the BD/DVD scene button programmed within the receiver to set the input and through HDMI ARC the TV turns on as well as the Apple TV device.

When I use the suggested “BD/DVD Movie Viewing” as a source for the scene I get “Unknown Error”. But my guess there is that I’ve renamed the scene on the receiver, but even when I go through the menu of the receiver and confirm the source name which is just: BD/DVD I get unknown error.

Oh, so you were in fact trying to use scenes. Originally, I though you just wanted to select the right source and used the select_scene service by accident.

For testing, I’d definitely turn the receiver on instead of relying it turning on automatically when the scene is selected.
If you tried to select a scene that does not exist, you should get a warning in your log saying “Scene x does not exist!”.

I’d definitely rather use scenes rather than picking the source manually, but I know we need to “get to something that works”. I was in a hurry this morning so I didn’t have much time to test, you’re right, I should have turned on the power to see if that helped.

I do get an “unknown error” when I try to use the default “BD/DVD Movie Viewing” as suggested in the Yamaha/HAAS instructions. But it seems to do that for all four of the scenes. I wonder if I need to call out the scenes as well as sources in the configuration.yaml file? I haven’t seen any configuration examples that show scenes listed.

I don’t think so. The underlying rxv library should fetch available scenes automatically.

That’s just shown in developer tools, right? Is there anything related in your log?


Apparently it’s not “BD/DVD Movie Viewing” as mentioned in the scene description, nor is it the custom label “Apple TV” I labeled the scene in the receiver.

service: yamaha.select_scene
  scene: BD/DVD
  entity_id: media_player.yamaha_living_room_living_room

It’s simply “BD/DVD”. I am fairly certain I tried that before but who knows, I was trying a lot of things to get it to work. Thanks for your time and guidance Ondra!