I’m trying top use yaml anchors for the first time, but I can’t get it to work. The snippets below are a much simplified example of what I’m trying to do (the real calculation is many lines and many more variables). Am I dong something wrong, or is this not possible with anchors?
- sensor:
- name: one
state: >-
{% set a = 1 %}
{% set b = 2 %}
<<: &calc
{{ a + b }}
- sensor:
- name: two
state: >-
{% set a = 3 %}
{% set b = 4 %}
<<: *calc
You can’t use it on a part of YAML. It needs to be a full section/kry (i.e. state in this case). In other words, you’re not anchoring YAML there. See Thomas Lovén - YAML for Non-programmers.
If you look at it that way it is indeed obvious, and I kind of figured this was not possible. I was hoping the <<: would be a way to work around that, but I now realize it is part of the string.