YAML manually reload MQTT sensors - but then some Zigbee sensors never check back in?

Not really sure what causes this. But if I reload manually YAML MQTT sensors, my Xiaomi Mijia Zigbee temperature and humidity sensor will never change from ‘unknown’ to show a temperature or humidity. The temperature and humidity will be going up and down in the background all the while.
The Mijia PIR sensors don’t suffer from this quirk, they’ll update as soon as the sensor detects a change and report in to HA.

Anyone have any idea what causes this?

If I reboot, the temp/humidity sensor will send an update within a minute or two.

Reboot = restart host machine and everything running on it including addons. Rarely required except for OS updates.

Restart = only restart home assistant container.

Which did you actually mean?

I have seen odd behaviour with reloading in the past and prefer to restart but my home assistant restarts in about a minute so it’s not that big of a deal to me.

Restart is the one I meant. Had no idea restarting the host was nicknamed reboot. Apologies!

It’s a common point of confusion.

Back to reloading not working. As I said, I’ve stopped using it because it has produced weird behaviour for me too. Unfortunately it’s the sort of thing that is difficult to open an issue for unless you can repeatedly reproduce the results. If you can then here is where to open a new issue: