Hi there,
i’m using the edl21 integration/sensor to read data from my smart-meter. I’ve created the sensor from the integration/gui in settings > devices > integrations. The config gui then asked me for a usb-path and that’s it. It works.
My problem is, that i only get one datapoint every minute and i want to increase that. I’ve read the forum/github and figured out, that it is possible to set and decrease the scan_time for that.
I’ve read in another post and from there in a github PR that it’s already possible to configure the scan_time value for all platforms, but only in yaml.
So my question is: how can I change this? Currently I don’t have a yaml for my sensor as it was created through the GUI and is only stored in json. I don’t want to lose the data already collected (if possible). I found the entity in .storage/core.config_entries with a “data” object containing the configured “serial_port”. Is it possible to just add the “scan_interval” there?
Thanks to all who can help me