Year of the Voice - Chapter 1: Assist

A missing action I’d like to see is “toggle”.

“toggle kitchen light”

Trying to get grips with assist. Do we have to always press the assit button on the browser to speak etc? Or can it be done like your normal alexa, hey Google?

Hi, I’ve been playing with assist today and I can’t seem to get the temperature state. It is in the intents repository, but HA can’t understand the sentence. When I put the hvac file in custom sentences HA understands fine, but outputs an error.

Is getting a state just not implemented yet or is there a problem on my end? And if it isn’t implemented, is there a list of intents that are implemented and we can test?

Am I missing something here?
Would have thought that a named scene would work out of the box … translations is “Turn off all lights” and it replies about not understanding it, even though I have a scene named “Sluk alt lys” :smiley:


Here also the assistant is not working, I can ask everything it answer. But to turn off a light it is not possible. I run on a raspberry pi 4, I ask also how much entities I have, and this is not right. I have a lot more than the 17 there is saying…
I make a new instance on Synology for test and here it works. (Make a helper and it is turned on and off)
See below some pictures:

I am running HA core version 2023.2.2 on a desktop in firefox.
There is no assist icon at the top …
Can I somehow play with this on my desktop?

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I’ve got my own container installation. It’s up to date, but I’m not seeing the icon in the app…

The example from the article “Assist - Custom Sentences” works well. But I’m trying to control the media player via {name} and my code throws an error.

language: "en"
      - sentences:
          - "(set|change) {name} volume to {volume} [percent]"
          domain: "media_player"
      from: 0
      to: 100
Error handling message: Received invalid slot info for SetVolume (unknown_error) from

Everything is working. I just forgot to change the value of the entity_id in the intent_script

I think down the road it would be important to see something along the lines of ‘smart’ commands such as “turn off all lights” to turn off all lights that are exposed to HA.

Or “turn off kitchen” either turning off all devices in area:kitchen, or at least turning off my light group called “kitchen light” with a wild card match.

Would that be something like “turn off lights in [area]”? (Or turn of switches in area, etc).

You are using the openai conversation agent. The docs say

This conversation agent is unable to control your house. It can only query information that has been provided by Home Assistant.

This is something I wrote a while back. Is this something useful to this project? I have several rules defined in json that might be usable as intent/action

yes, but a phrase that turns on/off all devices from all domains within an area.

It doesn’t know what your scenes is called, and you didn’t ask it to i.e RUN scene “Sluk alt lys”… You basically just spelled out the name of the of one of your scenes , it could be what-ever on earth you mend, i would also have answered you"Va ? "

Om, if it was “programed” to understand something in the area of what you want it to do, it would be something like “Sluk alt - Lys” where Lys is the “thing” it has to “turn of all / Sluk (for )alt” … PS: don’t be surprised if it get confused, and dont understand you if you say " Sluk for-Sluk alt lys" , most likely it has already an “intent” saying "Sluk alt - " , that would in that case be "if you saying “sluk alt -lys” , it would turn of all “light” entities, Most likely Not your scene “Sluk alt lys” …
PS: And , you can’t turn-off something that is not “on/running” , so if your “scene” is actually an automation which should turn of all your light, you should not ask anyone to turn.scene/automation of , right ? , you want it to run/turn on - the scene/automation (sluk alt lys / turn off all light)

If you’re not using


in your configuration.yaml, include


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See my reply here: Year of the Voice - Chapter 1: Assist - #47 by Holdestmade

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Thank you, it works …

Thank you! That was the solution!

I saw it was asked here,
Is there a solution to this?
At the moment the situation is that I ask ‘OpenAI Conversation’ in my language and it answers me in English, how can it be configured that it will answer me in my language (which is set by default in HA)

My own language? Wow, great idea! Maybe for now I’ll start with my local dialect :joy: