Year of the Voice - Chapter 2: Let's talk

I find that the “Home assistant cloud” (Nabu Casa) with Google assistant works really well.
It is fast and accurate and can be called hands free with “OK Google”
I don’t want to use it permanently now that I am retired though because I don’t want to pay $65US per year just so I can be hands free with “Assist”

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I was getting ~15 seconds with medium (too long in my opinion)
I tried tiny and get ~5 seconds but not very good accuracy
Now testing small and getting ~5 seconds and so far haven’t got “I don’t understand”
Crossing my fingers that small -int8 with be the answer for me.

Edit: I might need to change the name of my “Nook” Lights though

This didn’t initially work for me but creating an alias worked.
(This is done within settings of the entity under “voice assistants”)
With an alias “Lounge Temperature” the question “What is the lounge temperature” works

Was there any special characters in the area name?

No. The sensor’s area was “Lounge”

Incidentally, I created multiple aliases for my AC units too so different commands work.
e.g. Living Room AC, Living Room AirCon, Living Area Aircon and Living Area AC are all for the same entity.

Could be worth looking at the previous issues on GitHub to see if something explains the need for an alias, especially if you are saying the alias is the same as the area name. I know there were some limitations if you had a bunch of entities with the same friendly name. If you can’t explain it then I would open an issue.

No, the area is, for example, Lounge
The alias I created is, for example, “Lounge Temperature”
So my command would be
“What is [ALIAS NAME]”

“What is the lounge temperature “ should have worked unless there was another entity with friendly name lounge temperature (as I understand it)

I do have one device with two entities with friendly name = Lounge but not Lounge Temperature
Name = Lounge, Entity = sensor.temperature_158d0002e20b44, Area = Lounge
Name = Lounge, Entity = sensor.humidity_158d0002e20b44, Area = Lounge
Maybe that is the problem.
Never mind, the aliases work great anyway.
Thanks for your input.

Would it be possible to have a HA app on IOS/Android so you do not need the HTTPS: certificate? For people only wanting to truly run HA locally without opening ports to the internet.

That’s the plan. Integrating it into the companion app should not have the same SSL requirement as web browsers.

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That would be awesome, waiting for it… even if it takes a year.

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My pipeline (Wyoming, Whisper and Piper) is working fine from my computers but when I use “Assist” on the companion app on my android phone or tablet I do not get the audio response from Piper. (I do get the text response and the commands are actioned OK.
Is this normal?
Have others seen the same?

Mine is not working, period!
I think it has not yet been implemented on the companion app.
Even in the companion app I get that it is not a secure connection no HTTPS:// and there the adventure ends.

I don’t get it. Why would someone use an analog phone they have to pick up and speak into? I don’t understand how this is better than using Alexa, Google or Siri devices that have microphones and speakers to give commands to HA?


As I understand it firstly they haven’t got the local wake word functionality working yet. Secondly the main point was to show how to create the most PRIVATE voice assistant World's Most Private Voice Assistant - Home Assistant


You don’t HAVE to use the local voice assistant that way. It was a demonstration, a showcase, whatever you want to call it…and people who like the idea can implement it themselves if they so desire.

As OzGav pointed out, wakeword support is coming. Satellite support is also coming. The local voice assistant is still very much a work in progress. The analog phone was not the end goal, just a use case.


Coming soon.
Home Assistant’s new Assist Bluetooth Wristband Communicator device.
Availability:- 01-04-2024
Price:- Unknown

Bluetooth Wristband Communicator


Some folks have Voice over IP systems in their homes ( I was actually running Asterisk on a Raspberry Pi 2B a decade ago).

“Better”? Maybe not more convenient than those other devices but it definitely is more secure. If you didn’t know those devices that you named that work very well are always listening. They don’t always respond unless they hear the wake word but they are always listening for that word. I don’t wear a tinfoil hat but those other devices are so cheap and convenient because “you” are the product, not the consumer. If this is your preferred method of control that is fine but it is nice to know there are options.

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