Year of the Voice - Chapter 4: Wake words

I guess I should try.
Thank you,TOM_I

If you follow the rabbit hole of links you will end up at the Google colab page to generate your own wake word. I had success with the defaults but changing the training parameters increased the time to train quite a bit. All in all the process is pretty straightforward. Enter the word you want then press the play button at each step. At the end you will get a couple files to save. One of which is required for your system.

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Ok. I did it. Thank you again for help, it was not as bed as I was thinking.
My wake word is HEY MORGAN. I can share if some one interested, but how and where? To fwartner GitHub or somewhere else?

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Yeah, share it to that Github page.

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I’ve created a couple of wake words and saved then to my system as per the docs, restarted HA but the custom words don’t appear in my list in the Voice Assistant config menu Any ideas what I’ve missed?


Never upload a file to someone GitHub before and when I tried it’s show me this message:

What should I do?

You need to do a Pull Request. There are instructions on how to do it on the repo page.


Do you restart Openwakeword addon ?

Yes, there’s been two updates (which restart the add-on) since I put the wake word files there, plus I’ve rebooted the entire server

It looks like you’ve created the share subfolder in config directory
You need to use the share folder which is at the same level as config directory

I tried to create a fork and upload my file, but I stack on the second step. Maybe some one will add this for our community.
Link to Google drive: Hey_Morgan.tflite - Google Drive
Thank you
My Rum Voice assist bottle almost done, just need to fill up with acrylic water ( spice rum color) and that’s it .


Is there way to add Home Assistant Cloud TTS and STT to Wyoming Protocol?

Anyone worked out how change the default “I dont understand” message?

Just a FYI for anyone using the vscode addon… It doesnt like yaml config for response files in custom_sentences\language.

For anyone else, here is the response from discord on this. I have not tried it.

create a file called custom_sentences/en/errors.yaml and add this to it

language: "en"
    no_intent: "Sorry, I don't speak Pleb"

Thought I would add this to the chat as well.
I know there are many individuals who have attempted to use a wakeword with the Atom M5Stack and have run into issues where after a time it stops responding and it will only respond after you toggle the “use wake word” switch within home assistant. Apparently this is know and there is a thread on github that discuss this. One thing I found on github is a bit of code that I attempted and I have to admit that my M5Stack has been much better since I implimented this code. All I did was past the code at the bottom of my esphome configuration for the m5Stack then restarted HA and the unit has been running and responding for almost 24 hours without me needing to do anything. If anyone is interested in attempting to add this before there is an offical fix here is the code.

  - interval: 1s
      - if:
            - if:
                    - switch.is_on: use_wake_word
                    - not:
                      - voice_assistant.is_running
                  - voice_assistant.start_continuous:

What’s the ESP32 board you are using?

It’s a esp-wroom32 mini
Same like the regular, but less GPIO’s
Got them from Aliexpress long time ago. It was a deal 10 for $9. That was the last one from that order :grin:

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I like these as super small esp32-s3 as in the esp32-s3-box super small format and great price.

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That did the trick! Thank you.

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I add a single LED to my esp32 board using GPIO23 and 220 Ohm resistor for visual when Voice assist is ON, but can’t program this light, for some reason t’s does not recognize my code. I use simple code from ESPHome site.

  - platform: binary
    name: "Voice Assist On"
    output: light_output

  - id: light_output
    platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO23

What I am doing wrong?