Yeelight bedside bluetooth lamps

Is anybody using the custom component to support the Yeelight Bedside lamps (the BT ones)?
I found this repository and installed it, but do not know HOW to find the MAC address of my BT lamps…

I tried it, but can’t seem to get them to pair with the component. I see in log that I need to press the pair button, but it doesn’t pair. Perhaps I don’t have the exact same model and my don’t work. I have the Candela versions. They did work (buggy) with the original component on Github though, so I figured it should work with this new HACS updated version.

You can see the mac address if you use an Android device. On iOS the mac adress is not visible, so use Android for that. Open up Yeelight app and add a new light, then you can search and you’ll see the mac addresses.

I found an app to find a MAC address and after using it i can see the lights. I added to HA and they work great!! I have another bedside lamp that cannot find with that app, i will try another one…
BTW Great component !!

Is there a way to use in automation the same options (color, brightness, transition, etc…) we have for the wifi lamps?