I have a problem that I was not able to sort. In my home automation I use 1s bulbs from yeelight. I believe this are the most popular lamps around as they are really good price to weigh ration.
BUT - I can’t configure them to be full bright, like I can over yeelight app. Does anyone have a hint what I can do?
I tried integration over homekit nad over yeelight. Same thing. But over yeelight integration they drop off the connection now and then so I keep them over homekit.
Yeelight integration gives more settings and with Yeelight integration I can make lights much brighter than HomeKit integration but Yeelight integration is broken and lamps always disconnect until manual on/off
With Yeelight integration I do this and they are bright like Yeelight app:
color_temp: 250
brightness: 255
With HomeKit integration lights always lower brightness
Hm. I have no clue how to implement this. I would be happy even if I only managed to implement them stable over yeelight integration. Strangly enough, only 1s haw this problem. I have one “white only” 1s and one older, color2, model - they work ok over yeelight integration.
I have 3 different models of bulb. 5x YLDP13YL which are not working over the integration (they keep falling off and need a power cycle). This is why I have them over homekit integration.
One older model color2 and one non RGB - they are working over yeelight integration.
All 3 models can’t reach full brightness if I setup a scene. The moment the scene is triggered they start with some reduce brightness mode.
Hi everyone,
I still didn’t manage to get them to full brightness. Can someone be so nice and paste me the whole scene/automation part of yaml where they managed to do it?
To get full brightness for white light on YLDP13YL, add kelvin: 4000 (or any in range 1700-6500), leave brightness: 255 and remove color_temp, hs_color, rgb_color, xy_color params. See this post.
But there will be warning in server log:
Logger: homeassistant.components.light.reproduce_state
Source: components/light/reproduce_state.py:96
Integration: Освещение (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 16:12:45 (6 occurrences)
Last logged: 16:21:17
The use of other attributes than device state attributes is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Invalid attributes are [‘kelvin’]. Read the logs for further details: Scenes - Home Assistant