I report that this model support only Brightness change, it not support rgb color, Color Temperature and Effect.
Could you provide a screenshot of /dev-state? I would like to know the value of the supported_feature attribute.
Could you provide the model name of the device?
cp. https://www.home-assistant.io/components/light.yeelight/
YLDD02YL: Lightstrip (Color)
MJCTD01YL: Xiaomi Mijia Bedside Lamp - WIFI Version!
MJTD01YL: Xiaomi Mijia Smart LED Desk Lamp (autodiscovery isn’t possible because the device doesn’t support mDNS due to the small amount of RAM)
the model name is: YLXD01YL
I have few yeelight, like white bulbs, or bedside lamp. Now with lastest versión of HA (0.65.5) i can’t switch on light (when i switch on, automatically turn off).
Someone have the same problem with last version of HA? Maybe i’m doing something wrong?
I create this topic about this problem.
Mine work just fine. And I have all of their products, more or less.
Did your IP addresses change, or something like that?
The firmware of the yeelight was outdated.
Wohoooo finally no more errors regarding the ceiling lamps in the log!
Thanks @syssi for all your help!
Now I just have 3 more error messages on startup, but I think those are probably common (desk lamp error probably cause of that discovery issue)?:
Error doing job: Task was destroyed but it is pending!
22:25 core.py (ERROR)
Failed to connect to bulb, Office Desk Lamp: Bulb closed the connection.
22:24 components/light/yeelight.py (ERROR)
Setup of xiaomi_aqara is taking over 10 seconds.
22:24 bootstrap.py (WARNING)
Where do I start with these?
Hi and Happy Easter,
I just updated to 0.66 and deleted the custom component by syssi but now I cannot access the moon mode anymore
Whats the right service? I tried the night_light_mode_on but no success
The new service isn’t part of HA 0.66. It will be introduced with HA 0.67.
Could you post the error messsage? The light is called “ceiling4”, right? Are you able to control the light and should we add it to the documentation as supported device?
Error log:
Unknown miio device found: ServiceInfo(type=’_miio._udp.local.’, name=‘yeelink-light-ceiling4_mibt72799069._miio._udp.local.’, address=b’\xc0\xa8\x01o’, port=54321, weight=0, priority=0, server=‘yeelink-light-ceiling4_mibt72799069.local.’, properties={b’epoch’: b’1’, b’mac’: b’7811dc689590’})
Yes I can half way control the lamp, only ceiling mode is working, the RGB strip isn’t recognize.
I prepared a PR to avoid the error message in future: https://github.com/home-assistant/netdisco/pull/184
Could you provide the model number of the device? It looks like this: MJTD01YL
If these errors aren’t periodically it’s fine.
The following lamp is not supported at all (Ceiling light 3). Model is YLXD05YL (http://www.yeelight.com/zh_CN/product/eos | https://gearbest.com/flush-ceiling-lights/pp_1163128.html?wid=23).
Log: Unknown miio device found: ServiceInfo(type='_miio._udp.local.', name='yeelink-light-ceiling3_mibt77211360._miio._udp.local.', address=b'\xc0\xa8\x00\xbb', port=54321, weight=0, priority=0, server='yeelink-light-ceiling3_mibt77211358.local.', properties={b'mac': b'XXXXXXXXXXXX', b'epoch': b'1'})
Could you try to enable the yeelight developer api and control the light? Does it work? The error message will disappear in future for all types of yeelights.
Developer mode is on. I can turn the lamp on and off through HA, I can change the brightness and also I can change the color temperature but it’s broken in the same way as the ceiling light 1 (the slider works half the distance) Error when calling <function YeelightLight.set_colortemp at 0x6db22780>: {'code': -5000, 'message': 'general error'}
. The miio error spams every 5 minutes.
Forgot to mention I’m using HA 0.66.1.