Yeelight Properties

Trying to use the Yeelight component and it discovers my bulbs OK and adds them to the front end fine.

Also works fine controlling them, including colour, but the status does not update if I change it from the app.

Is this normal ? Looking through the code it does seem to have a section for getting the bulb properties ? Looks a bit odd when HA looks like they are off but they are on ?

Thanks in advance

I assume you mean using the yeelight app? It takes some time before the status gets updated in HA.

Yes the Yeelight app. I waited 5 mins but still no change.

Nothing appears in the logs either, strange


Strange, mine update fine. Did you manually add them to your config?

Yes, sure did

platform: yeelight
name: Living Room Floor Lamp
name: Living Room Table Lamp

Are you using a wifi extender, many people seem to have issues with yeelight and wifi extenders. And to be sure, nothing gets updated in HA? Not even on/off? Which yeelight do you have?

I assume you have - platform: yeelight including the -

No, no wifi extender.

Got 2 RGB bulbs, HA works fine controlling them and they show up, just no external status updates.

This is from my config.yaml:

  - platform: yeelight
        name: Living Room Floor Lamp
        name: Living Room Table Lamp


I really have no idea… You must have enabled lan mode otherwise these will not work in HA. I do not use music mode, do you?

Just checked and I also have a Vera connected with other lights. Those statuses work instantly

No, never used it. Thanks for trying.

So, after a reinstall and clean up of my config.yaml it now works, but with a ~20 second delay. Any way to speed this up ?


Try scan_interval not sure if it works with Yeelight but it does with Hue.

I tried with scan_interval: 3 and it does update the state faster then before!

Cracking, that speeds it up a lot. Found any less than 5 made one of my Yeelight bulbs become unavailable but set at 5 works without issue so far.

Thanks @sjee