Yeelight RGBW - Use default scenes (Sunrise)


Mi Home started to act crazy : Xiaomi decided to change timezones, and suddenly my Mi Vacuum started cleaning in the middle of the night automatically (original start was 10am, and now it starts at 4am)

It was a last kick to switch everything to Home Assistant automation, and now everything works fine, except one thing.

Mi Home has default scenes for YeeLight RGBW like ‘Sunrise’, which works like an alarm clock for me and my wife. At 6am it starts low level reddish light and dimming to 3500K color and 100% brightness.

Is it possible to do the same thing in Home Assistant? Tried to google and search on forums without luck.

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So I Guess it is not possible?

It is absolutely possible. If you set the colour/brightness with the Mi app, and then go and check the state of the bulb in Home Assistant, you will find the correct x/y colour and brightness. For example, see my below screenshot where I discovered the x/y colour and brightness I liked from the Mi app, and then I put these values into my own automation. You could do a similar thing, except have a much longer transition.

# Turn on the living room lamp every day 10 minutes before sunset.
alias: "Living Room - Sunset"
  platform: sun
  event: sunset
  offset: "-00:10:00"
  service: light.turn_on
  entity_id: light.xiaomi_yeelight_rgbw
    brightness: 255
    xy_color: [0.468,0.391]
    transition: 2
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