Recently, Yeelight released their competitor to Nanoleaf with their “Smart LED Light Panels”. (Model YLFWD-012). I preordered a set and was hoping to get it integrated into Home Assistant, but with the current alert for Yeelight, it looks like these were released after the firmware that removed local control.
However, I’m not one to let someone tell me how I can and can’t use the devices that I own, and neither should you. So, I proceeded to open the controller, and I’ve made a potentially awesome discovery.
Let’s start with the lights themselves. They’ve really nice, especially for the price.
So, here’s the question: What’s the possibility of getting ESPhome working with this? @syssi, sorry to ping you, but you’ve done a lot of great work building custom ESPhome integrations for various Yeelight and Xiaomi products. Would you be willing to take a moment and provide some guidance?
@Apocrathia, you said on GitHub that you got this connected using the HA yeelight integration. The official one or something through HACS? Did you need to do anything special? I’m on latest HA but connecting with the integration is showing a failure to connect socket error.
It shows up using the core integration. I didn’t have to install anything via HACS. However, the only control I really get over the device is color and brightness. No control over the effects, and the effects that the python-yeelight library is pulling in don’t do anything. I’ve already created an issue over there to see if someone can figure out what’s going on. I just haven’t had time to sit down and troubleshoot it.
I wasn’t able to find the lan control initially because I set it up on the mi home app instead of the yeelight app. After doing that it worked and from the light lovelace ui there are some preloaded effects that work. I didn’t try to map it to the service calls yet though. Still haven’t put it up in the wall!
@Apocrathia you’re right btw, I finally set things up and am still using the Mi Home app because of the issues you’ve identified. I was also looking at the SSDP api and couldn’t see any extensions to support the array of panels. No way to implement our own patterns or individually address various panels. Very frustrating.