Yeelight Wifi Bulb - v0.88 not work?

hello :slight_smile: i have a problem with my Yeelight Wifi Bulb.

the automatic discovery does not work? it didn’t found the bulb

and with the manuel task - the system won’t start

on the other HA System it’s work with 0.86

manuel conf:

      - platform: yeelight

            name: MI-Links
            transition: 1000
            use_music_mode: True #(defaults to False)
            save_on_change: True #(defaults to True)

it’s a new, clean installation of Hassio

Are you getting an error during config check? Or anything in the log when it wont start.

That is my config which is working in 88.1.

I would drop the lines below name to see if any of them are causing the issue. Also not sure if it is a paste error or your config is truly spaced like that but your pasted config has incorrect indentation. Below is the correct spacing.

   -platform: yeelight
        name: MI-Links

yes, with:

   -platform: yeelight
        name: MI-Links

it’s work :confused: strange thing… :smiley: thx for your help!

YAML (and therefore the HA config files) are extremely sensitive to spacing.

You may find this helpful.

May I ask where should I put this code? I am a newbie and am trying to set up a Yeelight to work with HA.

Thank you so much!

In your configuration.yaml file.

Install this addon:

then you have access to the files over SMB - like \192.168.x.x\config\configuration.yaml

or you can edit the .yaml over this addon:

From my understanding, you installed a Hassio on you PC as well, right? Otherwise I know that the VSCode addon does not work on raspberry pi.

no - the hassio run on the pi (or VM)

then addon-store --> Visual Studio Code

look the installsite:

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