Hey there,
I just wanted to show you my take on an alarmclock where the brightness/volume increase is done with python_scripts
It is inspired by:
Inspired by:
Call from script:
"light_entity_id": "group.noshow_lights_alarmclock_wakeup",
"media_entity_id": "media_player.my_room",
"transition_time": 5
- alias: alarmclock_wakeup
platform: template
value_template: "{{ states('sensor.time') == states('sensor.alarmclock_start_time') }}"
condition: and
- condition: state # make sure I'm at home
entity_id: input_boolean.presence_tillmann
state: 'on'
- condition: state # make sure all lights are switched off
entity_id: group.all_lights
state: 'off'
- condition: state # make sure the laptop is switched off
entity_id: input_boolean.presence_device_tillmann_workstation
state: 'off'
- condition: or # check for workingday/weekend option
- condition: state
entity_id: input_boolean.alarmclock_status_weekends
state: 'on'
- condition: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.workday_sensor
state: 'on'
- service: input_boolean.turn_off
entity_id: input_boolean.alarmclock_cancel
- service: python_script.alarmclock
light_entity_id: group.noshow_lights_alarmclock_wakeup # lights to fade in
media_entity_id: media_player.my_room # media players to fade in
transition_time: 20 # minutes to go from start to end brightness/volume
stepsize: 10 # amount of seconds per step
brightness_start: 1 # starting brightness of lights entity
brightness_end: 255 # end brightness of lights entity
volume_start: 0.01 # start volume of media entity
volume_end: 0.5 # end volume of media entity
stream_url: http://wdr-1live-live.cast.addradio.de/wdr/1live/live/mp3/128/stream.mp3 # url for the stream to play
light_entity_id = data.get('light_entity_id')
media_entity_id = data.get('media_entity_id')
transition_time = int(float(data.get('transition_time', 30)))*60
stepsize_seconds = int(float(data.get('stepsize', 5)))
brightness_start = int(float(data.get('brightness_start', 1)))
brightness_end = int(float(data.get('brightness_end', 255)))
volume_start = float(data.get('volume_start', 0.01))
volume_end = float(data.get('volume_end', 0.5))
stream_url = data.get('stream_url', 'http://wdr-1live-live.cast.addradio.de/wdr/1live/live/mp3/128/stream.mp3')
if (light_entity_id is not None and media_entity_id is not None) and (stepsize_seconds <= transition_time):
""" Get the states of the light and media entities """
light = hass.states.get(light_entity_id)
media = hass.states.get(media_entity_id)
""" Calculate number of steps """
steps = int(transition_time/stepsize_seconds)
stepsize_brightness = (brightness_end-brightness_start) / steps
stepsize_volume = (volume_end - volume_start) / steps
""" Initialize the media device and the light """
light_data = {"entity_id": light_entity_id, "brightness": brightness_start}
media_data = {"entity_id": media_entity_id, "volume_level": volume_start}
hass.services.call('light', 'turn_on', light_data)
hass.services.call('media_player', 'volume_set', media_data)
media_data = {"entity_id": media_entity_id}
hass.services.call('media_player', 'turn_on', media_data)
media_data = {"entity_id": media_entity_id, "media_content_id": stream_url, "media_content_type": "audio/mp4"}
hass.services.call('media_player', 'play_media', media_data)
""" In case we only have one step, directly set the final volume / brightness """
if steps == 1:
light_data = {"entity_id": light_entity_id, "brightness": brightness_end}
media_data = {"entity_id": media_entity_id, "volume_level": volume_end}
hass.services.call('light', 'turn_on', light_data)
hass.services.call('media_player', 'volume_set', media_data)
""" Start the iteration process """
new_brightness = brightness_start
new_volume = volume_start
lasttime = time.time() + stepsize_seconds
endtime = time.time() + transition_time
while True:
now = time.time()
if (now - endtime >= 0) or (hass.states.get("input_boolean.alarmclock_cancel").state == "on"):
elif now - lasttime >= stepsize_seconds:
lasttime = time.time()
current_brightness = light.attributes.get('brightness', 0)
current_volume = media.attributes.get('volume_level', 0)
light_data = {"entity_id": light_entity_id, "brightness": new_brightness}
media_data = {"entity_id": media_entity_id, "volume_level": new_volume}
hass.services.call('light', 'turn_on', light_data)
hass.services.call('media_player', 'volume_set', media_data)
new_brightness = new_brightness + int(stepsize_brightness)
new_volume = new_volume + stepsize_volume
""" Ensure we reached the end values (in case we didn't cancel) """
if (hass.states.get("input_boolean.alarmclock_cancel").state == "off"):
light_data = {"entity_id": light_entity_id, "brightness": brightness_end}
media_data = {"entity_id": media_entity_id, "volume_level": volume_end}
hass.services.call('light', 'turn_on', light_data)
hass.services.call('media_player', 'volume_set', media_data)
To run this script, you’ll need
- dimmable
- a
item (to cancel the alarm while running)