Sorry guys and gals. I don’t understand how to work .yaml.
When to put “-”, when to not, and everything else. The more examples I see, the less I see the pattern. I can’t make sense of it.
Here’s me trying to get a flic to turn off all lights:
- alias: Turn off lights with 1 click of bed-flic
hide_entity: False
initial_state: 'off'
condition: []
id: '1511005477515'
platform: event
event_type: flic_click
button_name: flic_80e4daXXXXXX
click_type: single
- service: light.turn_off
entity_id: group.all_lights
It’s not your flic_click automation that is failing, it’s the update notifier. Please post that automation in a formatted box.
Edit - in fact, I think I’ve worked it out, in your update notifications automation the line starting with message: needs a further two spaces indentation.