@gazoscalvertos i am probably doing something stupid, but I am getting this error
ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for [alarm_control_panel.bwalarm]: Entity IDs can not be None for dictionary value @ data[‘override’]. Got None. (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/alarm_control_panel.bwalarm/
in the UI its says could not setup alarm_control_panel.bwalarm
I think you either have no sensor under the override group in alarm.yaml. This isnt actually fully implemented yet. Just comment out override: for now.
In the original code it pulled back thr wrong set of sensors to the UI (alarm would still work as normal). Should be fixed now in new code, will push shortly
What sensors are you using? what is their state values ie ‘on’/‘off’ or ‘On/Off’ or other. The GUI looks for these states ‘on’, ‘open’, ‘detected’, ‘unlocked’. I suspect that capitalisation of states may be an issue but easily fixable.
Could be any sensor, but I wanted to be able to arm the perimeter doors say when the wife gets in so she has the security of the door sensors but can freely roam the rest of the house.
Ah cool, i have effectively done this with with Home Mode, that secures all the downstairs Windows and Doors, but does not active the motion sensors in the lounge and utility room, would have motion sensors in other places but with a Husky he tends to set them off, so have sensored every window. and used the Motion sensors to use in the bathrooms and toilet lol
Hopefully it will give her a little bit extra piece of mind as the ground/1st floor is armed under our home mode as we have three floors. We are basically using home mode as night time mode.
Once I have the alarm panel in a good state I’ll set it up as a custom state card too then hopefully we can combine with the above and basically replace HAdash.