YI 1080p home camera image not avaible

Hi all, i have a problem with my new YI camera 1080p home.

I did all the process in the link " https://github.com/shadow-1/yi-hack-v3 ". I installed the latest version supported by hassio, 0.1.4-beta2 version. After the reboot, i can view some parameters from the ip address or via ftp or telnet. I changed the password of the root user with the telnet and add to the config file on hassio the same code of this link: " https://www.home-assistant.io/components/camera.yi/ " changing ip address, password and name. But in home assistant the camera still unavailable.

the problem can be the version of the firmware of the cam? I saw in the github link it will be " Stock firmware is version " but mine is " "

Thank’s for any help,

Can you download files under the configured path via ftp?

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Hi Massimo,

had about the same problem. What solved my problem was install ffmpeg on my computer hassbian. It was missing it.

other thing you can try is installing 0.1.5, then:

  • connect thru telnet/ssh
  • change password
  • edit /home/yi-hack-v3/script/system.sh
    -> replace line 36 ( pure-ftpd -B ) with tcpsvd -vE 21 ftpd -w &
  • reboot camera
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thank’s @leofuscaldi and @touliloup for the assistance. the problem was the missing of ffmpeg . Now all it works.

Thank’s again,

Ciao @Massimo_Bergi ,
sono molto ignorante in materia, ma ho visto che sei riuscito ad installare la yi 1080p cam
. io purtroppo non riesco! non riesco neanche ad eseguire il telnet dell’indirizzo ip della video camera. posso chiederti come se riuscito a configurare in home assistant la yi 1080p cam?
