Yi home camera 1080p only shows a delayed view

Hi Wondering if anyone else is having trouble with yi home camera 1080p I’m using yi-hack-v3 and I constantly see a very delayed view on the camera. All I want is to do is to be able to stream the live view


  • platform: yi
    name: Camera
    host: ‘192.168.x.xxx’
    password: xxx

I’ve also tried using ffmpeg arguments and using my raw mp4 path, though that only shows recorded video


  • platform: yi
    name: My Camera
    host: ‘192.168.x.xxx’
    password: xxx
    path: /tmp/sd/record
    ffmpeg_arguments: ‘-vf scale=800:450’

Lastly I tried rtsp though couldn’t get that working, unsure if yi hack developer has enabled that feature

Any help would be great

I’m pretty sure that the update rate of the camera is around 10 seconds while viewing it in a card.

If you click on the view and bring it into its own window then you should see the live stream view.

thanks for that tip! I can see the screen if I do this though it’s still heavily delayed. Any idea of how I can get it to live stream in HA i’m baffled

That’s probably just network lag issue that i dont know that there is anything you can do about unless you can speed up your network or the hardware you run HA in.

Wow ok… my network flies and I’m running a raspberry pi B+ thought that would be ok

What I meant was do you know the best way to call the live feed. I could never get rtsp to work, I haven’t tried mjpeg as yet

Thanks for taking the time to help me out also mate, appreciated

sorry i guess i’m confused about what you are asking/having trouble with.

The camera card only shows a low frame rate view (about 1 frame every 8 seconds on my NUC running HA in Docker). if you click on the card the window that pops up will have a “generally” live stream but isn’t blazing fast by any means (about 1 frame per second).

I don’t know that there is any way to get a better “live” view running HA. The best you can hope for is like I said before…maximize your network speed and/or the hardware HA runs on.

My camera’s use the built in Foscam component. I have mostly 720p cameras (3) and I have two 1080p cameras. I’ve never tried to use RTSP. I doubt mjpeg will be any better. I don’t know of any other way to get a full live stream in HA.

apparently there’s a guy working on yi-hack-v4 which has working rtsp. Just need to wait for the official release

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so, are you saying that you don’t even have the camera’s integrated into HA AT ALL yet?

No mate. From my first post I showed you my yaml code. It works it just delayed badly

Ok. :slightly_smiling_face: I was just trying to figure out how I could seemingly be misinterpreting what you meant so badly… I mean, I speak “American” but it is still loosely based on English. :wink:

In that case then all of the rest of my above replies still stand.

I hope you figure how to get it working to your expectations.

I have a Yi Dome Camera 1080p and got a heavy delay when taking a snapshot, and for heavy I intend two minutes!
If I call the camera.snapshot service what I get is an image of two minutes before:

My configuration is:

  - platform: yi
    name: Yi-Dome-1
    host: ''
    password: !secret yi-dome-1-pwd

I would like to take a snapshot when the door sensor sends an event, but this way is just useless.
Any idea?

My advice, wait a few more weeks until Yi hack v4 is released. In its current state Yi cam in HA is absolutely useless


Hi, I’m that guy that spent the last 3 months going crazy with Xiaomi’s H264 encoder to make the RTSP work!

The latest RTSP version works fine with Home Assistant and has been tested by the guys on the Discord Server.

There are a couple of issues with ffmpeg but I’ve already fixed them and I’m currently testing the stability.


thankyou for sharing this, I shall look froward to trying this soon!

Hi TheCrypt0
Thanks for the yi-hack-v4 .
i never install any camera in HA before.
i bout Yi 1080p home camera yesterday and i did as instructed in the Manuel to the 10th step, where it said
" 10. Done! You are now successfully running yi-hack-v4!"
Ok. so what next do i need to do?
in the Yi home camera component on the site, it’s said that the password needed to be change, but i dont know what’s the default username and password in order to change them when i Telnet into your camera?

i know that need to add those lines in the configuratin.yaml

  - platform: yi
    name: Camera
    host: ''
    password: my_password_123

but how actually do i get to see the live stream in HA?
what do i need to add in lovelace.yaml?

any help would very much appreciated.

this is the configuration for my yi dome camera 1080p:

  - platform: ffmpeg
    name: Yi-Dome-1
    input: -an -i rtsp://

Hi, apreciate your work, i’ve been waiting for a year for RTSP, but mine is not loading the hack tryed with a couple of SD cards but it simply will not load it. Should be straight easy but could not pinpoint the issue. I’ve read that it has to do with a newer stock firmware but don’t know if this is indeed the case here. 1080 Home is the camera
@TheCrypt0 maybe you can help me, i have 7 of them laying around:)

i run HA Hass.io on RP 3B
i have Yi 1080 home camera and i did flush the “yi-hack-v4” on it.
i know i seceded because when i go “”
i can see this:

i add


  - platform: ffmpeg
    name: camera
    input: -an -i rtsp://

still dont see .
dont understand about cameras at all.
what should i do?
can you help?


but did you install the rtsp add on from the discord channel?

If yes, are you able to access the stream via VLC?

Open VLC, media-> open network…
and here write the rtsp link rtsp://

No. i did not.
discord channel you say…
do you have a link?
where can i read how to do it?
