Yolink Integration - Multiple Homes in Yolink


Setting up my Yolink integration. I don’t see any way to select which home I want included when I provide the credentials to Yolink. How do I let select the right one?

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Well, it turns out you cannot select a home. You will always get the first home you added to the Yolink app, at least for now. Suggested solution was to move all the devices to this home and use the room attribute to also indicate the home. This is what I’ve done. Not sure how this will work once a local version of the API is made available. Does have the bonus of letting one home trigger automations at another.

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I have the same issue. This doesn’t fix the issue, but I found out you can create a custom UAC in the YoLink app, and you’ll need one for each home (there’s a radio button to select which home). Then, follow the steps here to create custom credentials in HA. When you go to add the YoLink integration, you can now select one of the credentials. The problem is that I can’t get past the API authentication that opens in a separate window (gives me an nginx error). Looking at the API documentation, this appears to be for v1 and could perhaps be updated to v2. Moreover, even if this did work, you cannot add the YoLink integration multiple times, which would be required for this to work.

Without the integration getting fixed, I don’t see this working.

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I couldn’t get either one of these solutions to work in setting up this integration in a second home. I ended up creating a second Yolink account on my wife’s phone and tying that account to Home Assistant in the second home. (I had to do the same thing with Google and Amazon). Perhaps one day, developers with have a better solution to this first-world problem.

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Anyone integrated YoLink multiple homes to Home Assistant? All I can see only primary home.

Just bumping this as a feature request. It’s quite unfortunate not being able to link multiple homes.

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I need this feature too. Any updates?

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no. Yolink ignores us. not even courtesy reply! multi-home option please!?

Here’s an appdaemon script chatgpt helped me write that works pretty well. Creates a binary_sensor once the sensor is activated: homeassistant-yolink/yolink_second_home.py at main · cd1zz/homeassistant-yolink (github.com)

Sorry to hear that. I guess I will stop purchasing any additional yolink products and move on to another solution if they will not respond.