YoLink Integration Will not setup/configure

I am not certain where to address my difficulty. If I posted this in the wrong place, feel free to move it accordingly.
Disclosure; I had the integration operational until everything was “unavailable”. I contacted their tech support, they replied that everything on their end was functioning. I attempted removing the integration and reinstalling. There was a screen in the process for credentials, when I submitted, nothing seemed to happen. Every attempt after, I no longer have any options or credential screen. Instead it goes directly to their [api] https://api.yosmart.com/oauth/v2/authorization.htm?response_type=code&client_id=… and returns the error: " The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later."
When you click the [OPEN WEBSITE] it attempts the same URL.
The best I can figure, something must be stuck in cache.
Does anyone have any ideas?


Please help. Now when I try to add the integration I get this message:
I am desperately seeking a method to get the YoLink integration installed.

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My YoLink also stopped working approximately 3 weeks ago. Attempts to reload the configuration do not work. I haven’t attempted deleting and reinstalling yet.

Good Luck and GO SLOW before pressing enter. My only way is to start over with HA (I verified it works) something is totally wrong that it will not let me start from the beginning. It has to be a key or something, but since Erik left, there is no support.

I think I am having the same issue…

I have used the Yolink app to get a UAC credentials (ua_12AF…) which I plugged into Home Assistant by providing the name: ua_1, for OAUTH Client ID I used the UAC id and for the OATH client secret I used the UAC secret.

HA then pops an external browser and reaches out to this endpoint:
https://api.yosmart.com/oauth/v2/authorization.htm?[parms below]

  • response_type=code
  • client_id=ua_12AF…
  • redirect_uri=[myserverdomain/auth/external/callback]
  • state= [oauth payload]
  • scope=create

After a while I get a proxy error from Yolink NGNIX servers as pictured below:

nginx error!: The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.”

I did some research and I found this: “YoLink: Application Credential support not working · Issue #92221 · home-assistant/core · GitHub” which seems to suggest that the endpoint we should be using is different? But then again it talks about using alternative creds so maybe not?

I emailed YoLink support asking them to check if their servers are down or perhaps if they can give me a hint as to why the endpoint which is in their API guide doesnt work. If I hear back from them ill let everyone know.

If anyone knows how to fix this or tell me what I did wrong, I would be grateful. I just bought some fridge / freezer sensors for a basement unit. Yolink was really easy to setup, I am hoping the integration actually works as the only reason I got them was to tie them into HA.

For anyone in the same situation, I was able to get around it.

From what I can tell, the “manual way” which involves getting the UAC and jamming into HA as a app cred doesnt work anymore. Or perhaps its just that the reply url isnt correct? HA kept using my internal url instead of my proxy url (*I do my own port forwarding and firewalling).

What I did to use the automated way is I needed to add the cloud: line item into my configuration.xml file. Thats really it, I didnt have to sign up for an account, it just needed to be enabled. You can tell if its enabled if in the settings screen the HA Cloud is the first option on the top. Again, you dont need to configure it, it just needs to be there. Once it was… I went to setup Yolink again (I did delete the app creds from HA first) and this time it used a interactive set of windows that resulted in me entering my yolink username and password and boom working…

Hope it helps!


I’m stuck here too. What do you mean by “ I needed to add the cloud: line item into my configuration.xml file. Thats really it, I didnt have to sign up for an account, it just needed to be enabled.”?

For me I’m getting stuck after logging into the Yolink site after the open browser step where it just does nothing. I can restart the process to add the integration over and over and get that far and no further.

I was able to get this working today. I had been trying to set it up using the iOS/iPadOS Home Assistant app. Instead I used Home Assistant via the web browser and setup was able to complete successfully.