You must have a LoRa receiver/transmitter, and Eric already said YoLink is working on a LoRa dongle that could enable local control. Without a dongle, you can not communicate with the LoRa hardware.
An integration of the hub is a temporary solution but could still work as long as the PR can be answered.
I was one of the (lucky?) ones to get an API key for MQTT access…. Implemented it in Node Red and still going strong today.
Don’t give up hope on these guys yet… the LoRa radios give Zigbee and Zwave a run for their money… the only sensor I’ve had issues with is the temp sensor in my deep freezer with poor battery life. No big.
Looks like pr got closed and not merged. @Eric-YoLink why don’t you release it via HACS so you can release whenever you want and get people using the integration right away?
At this point I am packaging up the devices I have until there is movement on the integration or the hub with local support launches. I went down the path of the API and I can pull state but there is no additional documentation for linking the API calls to HA. I could not get this working past individual calls, additionally the discord channel was not helpful with my project. Getting started with the API is not bad at all. Modeling out the calls you want to integrate to HA and getting the token to refresh is additional logic is a real challenge and frankly something I don’t want to burn time on when I can do this with a couple of Heltec’s running Arduino code in an hour or two.
I feel like YoLink has some really great products and that they are invested in the integration. These things take time. But the amount of DIY I want to put into this solution has reached my limit for now.
Can anyone recommend a good alternative for motion sensors and open/close sensors? Ive always used insteon in the past and was looking for a more modern option.
We all know Eric is reading this thread and would have given an update if the news was positive. I delayed a bit to see how this worked out but am ready to move on.
I use Aqara for windows and doors. They are very good with looong batterylife. For motionsensor I use Shelly for the moment and then I have an NVR with 6 cameras that use the NVR for motion/ Person reqognition etc.
Rob at the hookup has a video on youtube where he test window sensors. There I found Aqara and they are outstanding
While we wait for any news of integration, I wanted to make note that my DIY solutions were using IFTTT via webhooks for playing Text to Speech for the speaker hub via starting scenes built in the YoLink app that only have custom messages. For YoLink to HA, I don’t have my HA install accessible outside of my network (so can’t received webhooks) so I just user the Android app Tasker to when my device shows a YoLink notification it sends that as a webhook to HA where my android device is always on my network.
Yes, I would rather have a official local integration. I think that the YoLink team should give any sort of update news. I am still going to wait since LoRa has the range I need and needed a easy/nice looking off the shelf solution. I would have went ZigBee but it just doesn’t have the range.