Yoolax Smart Blinds

I am using ZHA. It works perfectly.

Iā€™m going to post this here in hopes for some help/as a warning about these blinds since this is where I found out about these blinds.

They worked great for a while, but I was running them off of solar and the battery ran dead (my bad, Iā€™ll own that). When I plugged it in and charged it the remote worked with some tweaks (needed to reset the top and bottom limit), but now the blinds are pretty much useless in HA.

Neither the position slider nor the simple open/close calls worked. I was able to preform a full reset of the blinds and get the open/close calls to work again so Iā€™ve got my basic automations running, but the slider is, to put it mildly, broken as all hell.

If you move the slider to 100 it will jump to 0 and put the blinds past the limit position (basically causing it to try to cram the weight through the top of the blinds) or if you put it at 0 it will jump to 100 and only close it half way.

My guess is that the motor ā€˜remembersā€™ the factory setting that doesnā€™t work anymore. Basic open/close is alright, but anything else you want is a wreck after losing power/getting a simple reset per the instructions.

Theyā€™re still probably the best zigbee blinds for the price, but wow do they need some work.

If anyone has a solution, Iā€™m all ears, btw. Iā€™d love to be able to set percentages again.

I had a lot of issues with the Yoolax blinds with ZHA + Nortek Zigbee+Zwave stick. I donā€™t think it would want to join another router on the zigbee network so it would randomly drop from the zigbee network. I had to re-pair one of the blinds constantly, and like you, would lose the position slider sometimes.

Since then, Iā€™ve migrated all my zigbee devices to to Zigbee2Mqtt with the Sonoff ZBDongle-P and there hasnā€™t been any issues. Blinds are very reliable and theres even an option in Zigbee2Mqtt to invert the cover, which I tried in ZHA, but failed

Im having an issue with zigbee2mqtt where the state is inverse. Did you have this issue? invert cover doesnt seem to change the closed/open state.

I just bought one of these. Canā€™t get it to natively connect with HA. I currently do not have any other ZIGBEE integrations. If you could please recommend an inexpensive hub (as I will probably be purchasing more of these) and perhaps a tutorial on how to call SmartLife scenes from a HA Automation. Iā€™m a newbie but learning quickly.


how loud is the motor? did you buy them all at once?

is the motor loud? how do you like the blind overall? I am thinking of getting these as well

love the blinds. Customer support is great. Just wish there was a better way to integrate into HA

curious, anyone with the yoolax zigbee blinds know if they support groups and scenes. I have some smartwingshome blinds and they have groups/scene clusters but neither do anything when you try to add one to a group its response is Unsupported Cluster Command.

Hi everyone, anyone knows how can I create a card with different positions for the shades?
Ex: 25% open / 50% open / 75% open / 100% open, and the other way around?
Is this possible?
:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :thinking: :thinking:

Is it feasible to charge the battery while the blinds are installed? Otherwise would it be pretty easy to fit a buck converter in the blinds and solder the directly to a crimped connector/terminals. I think I prefer the zigbee variant so that Iā€™m not dependant on Tuya cloud but I also have hardwire to all blinds and definitely donā€™t want to deal with a bunch of batteries.

I read through this thread looking for insights. I have a Graywind zigbee blinds (Amazon). It took FOREVER to get the dam thing to pair. I am pairing through a Sonoff zbmini that is 12 feet away. After pairing, the LQI reported back was 77.
Seems very low for only being 12 feet away. Now that the blind is paired, I canā€™t control it.

I am using Zigbee2MQTT with SONOFF Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus Gateway based on TI CC2652P + CP2102N chip and I have a number of ZBMINIs paired with it no problem.

After pairing, the hardware is reported to be Zigbee Manufacturer
yooksmart and Yookee Model D10110. (Not sure what the relationship to Yooksmart or Yoolax is - just rebranding, same manufacturerā€¦)

Also, after pairing, the remote that comes with the blinds no longer works.

My end goal is to, obviously, control them through HA but also with the in-room remote (if thatā€™s possible). Does anyone know if the remote is also a Zigbee device?

Is the issue potentially due to going through a ZBMINI?

Any suggestions?

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Did you ever get this issue resolved? I have the Graywind Cellular Shades and one keeps dropping off the Zigbee network. For me, I can use the remote and the HA integration. When it is in HA, It shows the status whether I use the remote or the Card in HA.

Hey ampersandru or others, now that some time has passed, do you have any further experience to report? Do they still work well via zigbee2mqtt or does it cause any problems in the meantime? It seems that they are now using a different Zigbee motor (Z425), but Iā€™ll ask anyway. Best regards!