You just won the lottery. How do you build the most stable HA server?

Hey, thanks for your answer.

I’m using raspbian with AIO installer.

I got that folder yes .homeassistant_backup. I’ve moved all the files to the ./homeassistant folder in winSCP.
But it wont start and no process nor logs show that homeassistant is even starting… :frowning:

root/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant <== all backup files inside this folder

Yes sir. But no homeassistant starting…

open ssh and check

sudo systemctl status [email protected]

Unit [email protected] could not be found.

How did you auto-start homeassistant before?


sudo systemctl status home-assistant.service

pi@raspberrypi:/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant $ sudo systemctl status home-assistant.service
● home-assistant.service - Home Assistant
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/home-assistant.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: **failed** (Result: exit-code) since Mon 2018-04-23 14:58:56 CEST; 26min ago
  Process: 532 ExecStart=/srv/homeassistant/homeassistant_venv/bin/hass -c /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant (code=exited, status=203/EXEC)
 Main PID: 532 (code=exited, status=203/EXEC)

apr 23 14:58:56 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Home Assistant.
apr 23 14:58:56 raspberrypi systemd[1]: home-assistant.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=203/EXEC
apr 23 14:58:56 raspberrypi systemd[1]: home-assistant.service: Unit entered failed state.
apr 23 14:58:56 raspberrypi systemd[1]: home-assistant.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

I used AIO installer. Didn’t need to do any start up config.

journalctl -f -u home-assistant.service

Should give us a clue why it is failing.

Just this:

-- Logs begin at Thu 2016-11-03 18:16:44 CET. --


sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/home-assistant.service

And paste the contents of the file please.

Description=Home Assistant

ExecStart=/srv/homeassistant/homeassistant_venv/bin/hass -c "/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant"


Change line 8 to

ExecStart=/srv/homeassistant/bin/hass -c "/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant"

Save and reboot.


Now the logs is working. I’ll be waiting some minutes to let it load.
Some of the log:

apr 23 15:35:46 raspberrypi hass[426]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event service_executed[L]: service_call_id=1972908240-4>
apr 23 15:35:49 raspberrypi hass[426]: WARNING:homeassistant.setup:Setup of config is taking over 10 seconds.
apr 23 15:35:49 raspberrypi hass[426]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event system_log_event[L]: timestamp=1524490549.1149275, level=WARNING, message=Setup of config is taking over 10 seconds., exception=,>
apr 23 15:35:50 raspberrypi hass[426]: INFO:homeassistant.util.package:Attempting install of python_openzwave==0.4.3

Yeah, it will take a while (especially as you have Zwave), but it will come back up eventually :+1:

You are really god send for upgrade python 3.6.4

Thank you so much.

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Otherwise I will ping you again! Thank you for your patience. :slight_smile:
I was worried alot, that the door wont open when I come home! :laughing:

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Another thing to bare in mind is that everyone that’s doing this will probably be upgrading their homeassistant at the same time so there may be some breaking changes since your last upgrade, so keep an eye on the logs/journal.

No worries :+1: