Youless intergration

Please note the integration does not yet work for a LS110 only the LS120. I wanted to add the LS110 but had nobody confirm if the /d was available for auto-detecting the device type (LS110 vs LS120).

The LS110 does not support the full read out that the integration is connecting to (currently the integration polls the /e end-point on the YouLess device).

As it is I could make the integration so that if the /d is not detected it will fall back to a LS110 device type. Could you please confirm that your device does expose the /a?f=j end-point. It should have output similar to:


If so I will try to add support for the LS110 in the near future. I am tracking this feature under YA-1 in the issue tracker for the integration.

Thanks for the reply. I am new to Home Assistant so still learning.

My LS110 does respond to the /a?f=j endpoint. REsponse I get is


Thanks for the information. I will try to add this in a future version of the integration. With regards to the two input fields in when adding the integration. The first is a label, used in the entity names and the second is indeed the IP adres of the device.

If you need more input, please let me know

Hi Daniel. I’ve created an experimental version of the integration that should also support the LS110 device. The library underneath has been updated for this. All you should have to do is either replace the version you have with the latest from bitbucket. Alternatively you can manually update the manifest.json file to update the requirements section to:

  "requirements": [

This should update the library used by Home Assistant to the new version supporting the LS110. Let me know if it works for you or if you need any more information (I can’t really test it since I don’t have a LS110).

Thanks! Unfortunately…

I tried both ways. Does not appear to work. When I replaced the files and go to ‘Integrations’ -> ‘Add integration’ -> ‘Youless’,

it first mentioned installing the integration. After that I got the configuration screen with the two entries. Entered an arbitrary name and the IP address of the youless. Get ‘Failed to Connect’ error message.

Is there anything to check? Logfile somewhere maybe?

I am new to HA, so learning here. Most likely I am doing something wrong myself…

Hi Danial, I’m looking into the issue you are experiencing. In my testing setup I’m seeing some weird behaviour as well. This is making me think that somehow the library was not properly publish in PyPi.

I’m currently trying to fix that issue and will let you know when its done. I’ve created an updated version which connects to 0.7 of the library. This also required a change in files of the integration itself. So it is best to download a new version of the integration and upload it to your home assistant.

Please note to also restart your home assistant after upgrading, otherwise the changes will not be applied.

thanks for the reply.

I should gave thought about restarting myself. but unfortunately still the same behaviour after a reboot

Did you update again yesterday. I released an updated version which should not give an connection exception.

If you updated make sure to only enter the ip address and not http or so.

1 Like

Yes! It works now. Thanks a lot.

Replaced the files, re-booted the system, installed the integration and it worked right away. It installed my Youless as a device with 7 entities. My version only reports the actual usage and the total consumption.

Hi, i am new on HA and traying HA so maybe i will quit Domoticz.
I trying to het Youless working but how can i get this plugin working. Whick part of the files do i need to copy where in HA file system? I have access to the COnfig dir. Hope someone can help, tried a lot but nothing is working getting Youless in the Integration section. Thanks

@sgsdebruijn sure the installation should be rather simple and straightforward.

If you are inside the config dir (this is the directory also containing the configuration.yaml file) then you should complete the following steps:

  • Download the integration (using the three . in bitbucket and selecting download)
  • Unzip the archive downloaded somewhere on your local machine
  • Navigate to the config directory on the machine that has home assistant installed
  • Look for the directory custom_components, or create it inside the config directory
  • Copy the youless directory (custom_components/youless in the archive) to the custom_components directory on your home assistant machine
  • Restart home assistant for it to detect the new integration

If you have completed these steps you should be able to add the integration using the Home Assistant interface (this can be found under Configuration -> Integrations -> Add integration)

That works now, i found the integration, nice. But i receive no data, sensors says “Onbschikbaar”
I have 3 Youlessdevices, i’ll ge the data in Domoticz, HA must also get the data out of the Youless right?

It depends on the device type. The LS110 only reports 2 of the sensors. Also verify if you added the correct IP (and only the IP) during setup, the integration does not check if the IP is an actual Youless device at this time.

Are you seeing device information under Integrations -> Youless -> Device. This should at least display the model number. If it is not filled then the integration cannot correctly connect and identify the YouLess device.

Modelnr LS120 and yes the LS120’s are detected. But i have authentication on is that the problem?

Yes, that is a problem. I’ve not yet added support for YouLess devices with authentication. So for now you will either have to disable this (as the API is then also secured) or wait until it’s added. So far you seem to be the first I’ve encountered with authentication on.

I will have to look into how the authentication exactly works to be able to add support. I have created a support ticket for this under YA-3.

I switched to Home Assistant last week and want to integrate my YouLess LS120. I noticed the PR to add YouLess support to Home Assistant. Any chance it will make it into the April release of Home Assistant?

If not, I understood it can be added as a custom integration. How does that work? And will it migrate nicely to the standard integration, once that becomes available?

Hi Gerben,

Great work. Got your custom intergration working with my youless LS120. Maybe i’ve overlooked this information, but is it possible to add my Solar Panels i’ve connected up to the S0 port of the youless with the integration?

@JoostE yes there appears to be a sensor set missing for the LS120 device. I believe someone is creating that particular change right now. As soon as I receive those changes I will combine them with changes I am working on and a new version will be ready that exposes the extra sensors. I believe those are exactly the sensors you are missing.


@gjong thanks for all your great work on this integration. I want to integrate my youless ls120 with HA. I’m about to install your repo as custom component, but not sure if this will migrate seemless when the component is integrated in the HA core? Do I get new entities or other conflicts once this is integrated? If this is the case I’ll just wait for the PR to het merged and released.