Hi, is it possible to make youless compatibel with hass? Would be great to log the energy consumption
Are you referring to http://www.youless.nl/?
Yes, that is the one
a found it, used a rest
- platform: rest
resource: http://ip-of-youless/a?f=j
value_template: '{{ value_json.pwr }}'
method: GET
name: Totaal verbruik
unit_of_measurement: "W"
Do you directly connect to the youless device ?
Is this solution working?
yes this is directly a capture of the json that comes from your youless, it’s working here for a couple of months.
Only thing is, i have no password on the youless
Where do you exactly enter this??
You can enter it in the sensor section of the configuration. That or use a small component like https://bitbucket.org/jongsoftdev/youless/src/master/
I’m new to Home Assistant.
In the read.me of the bitbucket component says: put in the /config
But what should I copy exactly in this directory?
The /confg directory is the same location that all of the home assistant configuration files are in.
You should download a zip file from the repository and copy the extracted files. Or clone the repo and copy the directories manually. The structure of the component ensures that it will work.
Thanks, it’s working now.
But I have some strange numbers.
Power consumption is correct, I think: -133 W
But Meter says -479.648 W, what does that mean?
Power is the current power usage, whilst meter should be the same as the utilities meter indicates for a p1 connection. Or the total amount used since the youless was connected.
When i enter the Youless url like this: http://youlessIP/e I get this data:
[{“tm”:1541105101,“net”: 16345.331,“pwr”: 497,“ts0”:1541104454,“cs0”: 0.446,“ps0”: 0,“p1”: 11021.933,“p2”: 8762.843,“n1”: 951.376,“n2”: 2488.069,“gas”: 6615.105,“gts”:1811012100}]
I tweaked the custom sensor a bit, so it will now also return High and Low counter usage and delevery from my solar panels. Also, I have a seperate power meter installed for an electric vehicle. This power meter is connected to the s0 interface of the youless and the values for that will be returned as well. You can download this version on Github
However, I was also playing around with the idea to use the standard REST sensor. It works fine when I use the url http://youlessIP/a?f=j but that returns different and not that complete data:
{“cnt”:" 16345,876",“pwr”:2209,“lvl”:0,“dev”:“”,“det”:“■”,“con”:“OK”,“sts”:“(09)”,“cs0”:" 0,448",“ps0”:0,“raw”:0}
The difference is that this json is not encapsulated with . Anyone an idea to use the standard rest sensor with the first dataset?
Also; anyOne an idea how to get the power usage (high, low, delivered and extra) for today, this week and this month?
Thanks for adding the additional sensors to the Youless component. I was unable to test everything since I don’t have solar panels. I’m currently in the process of adding this component to the build in home-assistant list Youless Sensor. If you want please add your changes as well. That way everyone can enjoy the component.
I am not sure whether the Youless sensor has been added to home-assistant.
The pull request is closed, but I do not see any code in the repository.
Anything I can do to help get this implemented/integrated?
I closed it myself. As per request of the reviewers I need to move some logic to an external Pypi package and I don’t have time to do so at this moment. I hope to pickup the needed changes somewhere in january next year, when I have some more time available to investigate what I have to change and how to publish a Pypi package.
Reviving this topic…
I’m slowly but surely moving from Domoticz to Home Assistant, so I’m new here.
I have a youless with the gas firmware and I was able to get values out using rest mentioned by @ViperRNMC.
Youless returns the m3/h (pwr) displayed i the chart below, but how do I get also the actual m3 used, like domoticz does?
Check the Wiki. It shows the different commands to output what you want
Hi. I tried to get your Github version to work but is does not recognize the youless platform.
- create a folder called ‘custom_components’ into your Home Assistant folder
- Download the ‘youless.py’ file into this ‘custom_components’ folder
- Add the following to your configuration.yaml:
- platform: youless
name: Youless
host: x.x.x.x
monitored_variables:- pwr
- net
- p1
- p2
- n1
- n2
- cs0
- ps0
- gas
This is from the configuration validation:
Configuration invalid
Platform not found: sensor.youless
And this from the log:
You are using a custom integration for youless which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you do experience issues with Home Assistant.
Any idea?