Your Google home speakers are about to get slightly worse because Sonos sued and won

Thought people may want to know about this…

Couldn’t find a more appropriate place to post. Please let me know if one does exist.

Google proves once again, it’s only concern is to it’s advertisers. Customers are again screwed, because they think they can bully their way through a patent defense instead of just purchasing licensing from Sonos.

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“Your Google home speakers are about to get slightly worse because Google was found guilty of infringing on multiple Sonos patents…”

There. Fixed that for you. Sonos did what they had to do.

(Yes it seems minor, but if you dont defend your patents you lose them)

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I don’t disagree. And it’s not the first time they have been sought after and now it will affect functionality. The whole google ecosystem just starts to wear on me.

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